Listen, Obey, & Repeat

Listen, Obey, & Repeat

Author: Jessica Brinson
Apr 20, 2022

Reading Plan:

John 21:1-14

Listen, Obey, & Repeat
Author: Jessica Brinson

When I first read John 21:1-14, it almost seemed like just another scene of the life of the disciples. But that’s just the thing. There is no "just another scene" or "just another story" when it comes to Scripture. Every verse, every story, every book points back to The Gospel, back to Christ. This passage is no different.

When I was reading commentaries and articles on this passage, there was a lot of discussion and debate on Peter returning to his vocation of fishing and whether or not that was a sin, whether the mention of a charcoal fire was a deliberate throwback to the last time Peter was by a charcoal fire (when he denied Christ three times), and what was the significance of the exact number of fish. I love a good debate, but none of us will probably know the answers to those questions in this life.

So if that’s the case, what could I possibly get from this passage? How does this point to The Gospel? Those are the questions I want to be answered, and here’s what I landed on: it is a beautiful image of discipleship.

These young men were probably tired from a long night of fruitless fishing, but when a man they did not recognize called for them to throw the net on the other side, they did just that. John didn’t tell us if they questioned or talked amongst themselves before obeying the command, but he did tell us that they did exactly what the stranger, Jesus, told them to do. After John realized who it was, Peter rushed to him, and then, once they all arrived onshore, not a single one of them questioned Jesus. Verse 12 says, “...none of them dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.” If we go to the exact translation, interrogation is a more accurate word.

How many times do we find ourselves in some fruitless circumstance when God tells us to do something that, to us, may not make sense? I know for me, it’s too many to count. And how many times do we question or interrogate God once we hear that command from him? I know I do almost every time. But here the disciples were, on the sea of Galilee, once again not catching a single thing, when they followed the commands of the Lord. Sure, they didn’t know it was Jesus giving them the commands, but how many times does God use other people in our lives to direct our paths? God created us for community. Iron sharpens iron after all.

Peter listened. Peter obeyed. Then he listened and obeyed some more. And because of that obedience, he was able to be a leader among the first Christians once Jesus ascended. Let this be a reminder to us that if we crave and have an urgency to bring glory to the Kingdom of God, we must be just as obedient.

Reflection & Response:

  • What is cluttering your life that may be preventing you from hearing Christ calling out to you?
  • What is something God might be calling you to do that you are questioning out of uncertainty or fear?
  • Who is someone in your life who you can ask to pray alongside you? Pray together that you would have the courage to step out in faith in what God is calling you to do.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Jesus always knows best.

  • Peter and the disciples had gone fishing. They were not catching anything, and they had been fishing all night long. Then all of a sudden, Jesus showed up! He told the disciples to throw their fishing nets on the other side of the boat. Next, the disciples had so many fish.
  • God guides us when we pray and read the Bible. He gives us instructions, and it is up to us to follow His instructions. As a leader in your family, use this time to tell your family what you feel like your next step is in following Jesus. Allow time for your family to share what they think their next step is as well.
  • After a time to share as a family, plan out one way you can love your neighbor this week. You could bake cookies, you could write a letter, or even have them over for a meal.
  • Prayer: God, you are King of Kings! Thank you for guiding me and helping me take my next step in following you! Jesus, help me love my neighbor. Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve You. Amen.

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