Keep Digging

Keep Digging

Author: Angie Gates
Mar 4, 2022


Author: Angie Gates

Reading Plan: Genesis 26

Imagine with me the scene that is playing out in Genesis 26:17-22. Isaac has been forced to move to a new land because of his increased wealth and growth. The Philistines were so envious of him that they wanted him gone. As he moved his entire camp of flocks, herds, and servants into a new area, the top priority was to find water. They reopened all the wells that had previously been dug by Abraham and started digging new wells. We read over this massive effort in one sentence, but take a moment to realize the intensity of what is happening. Verse 19 states, “Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there.”

Can we take a moment and really think about what is happening here? If we were to dig a well today, with all the equipment we have available to us, it could be done in a couple of days. So, with no equipment, how long do you think this process would take? A quick Google inquiry will tell you this process would take 15 men an average of 90 days to dig one well. Three months spent digging and digging, working with so much effort to bring a source of life to their family, only to be met with opposition time and time again. What do these men do? They dig another well. They start over. They don’t give up. Notice Isaac’s servants “dug in the valley.” Life's obstacles and opposition can often lead us into our own valley. Do we continue to persevere and dig to find the source of life that is available to us during those hard times?

Look at the victory that results from not giving up found in verse 22, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.” Peace was found, and they were able to flourish. How often do we struggle with putting in the effort and hard work to continually do the right thing, and yet it seems we always encounter opposition and defeat? Your promise and victory are rooted in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we WILL reap a harvest if we do not give up.” We have an enemy who wants nothing more than to create opposition, fear, and failure that makes us want to lose hope and quit. Where does that leave us? Quitting only leads to a place of empty wells with no source of life for survival. Freedom is only found by continuing to dig your well. Dig into God’s Word and never quit because God wants to move you into a life where you can flourish!

Reflection & Response:
  • Take a moment and analyze the places in your life that feel like a valley right now. How can you put in more effort in the face of hardship?
  • Meditate on this verse today. Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Claim this promise of peace over your life today.

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Patience
  • Isaac is all grown up now. God has blessed Him and given him lots of workers and animals to take care of. Isaac and all of his workers and all of his animals were traveling and they needed water. To get some water the people dug wells. You might not know this but it takes a long time to dig a well. It takes at least three months to dig just one well. The people had to be really patient.
  • Just like the people in the Bible, we have to be able to be patient too. Sometimes we will not be able to get what we want right away. That can be really hard sometimes but waiting can be so good for us. In fact, God tells us in the Bible that patience and waiting are ways that people will know we are following God.
  • Is there someone you know who is hard to wait on? Maybe someone who is really hard for you to get along with? Today ask God to help you be patient with that person and pray for that person too.
  • Prayer: God, you are amazing. God, you are the best helper ever. Thank you for helping me be patient. Thank you for always being with me. Sometimes being patient is really hard for me. Today when I see this person, help me be patient and love them. I pray for this person that they would know how much you love them, God. Amen.

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