Where are You, Jesus?

Where are You, Jesus?

Author: Heather Williams
Dec 30, 2022 | Luke 2:41-52

Have you ever been somewhere crowded and “lost” your child? If you answered yes, you are not alone! I think it is safe to say that most of us, at some point, have had that gut-wrenching feeling before. Whether it be in Wal-Mart or Disney World, that brief moment of not knowing where your child is can feel like an eternity. Luckily, for most of us, we pretty instantly are able to locate our wandering child in the toy section or just an aisle away. In the verses we are studying today, a brief moment was not the case for Joseph and Mary.

Every year a large group of Jesus’ family and friends would travel for days to attend the annual Passover Festival held in Jerusalem. At this festival, I imagine the crowd being like a sea of people. Here in the temple is where Jesus, a 12-year-old boy, felt at home (understandably so, right?). I can just imagine young Jesus sitting, listening to as many teachers as possible, filling his holy mind with knowledge yet also giving God-felt words at the same time. Scripture specifically says, “All who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers.” Luke 2:47

After the Passover festival was over, family and friends were on their journey home, a full day in, before Mary realized she had not seen Jesus. Very easy to do when you’re with family and friends right? Joseph and Mary immediately turned back to find Jesus. After searching for three days (how terrifying would that be?!), they were finally able to locate Jesus.

Mary’s first question to Jesus was, “Why have you done this to us? We were worried sick!” Jesus’ response was pretty straightforward, “But why did you need to search? Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” I believe Jesus was reassuring or reminding His parents of the true reason He was there with them. It was time to fulfill His mission and that was the mission of God.

Sometimes, during our troubles and trials, we are apt to ask, “Jesus, where are you?” I think Jesus gives us this same answer, “I’m in my Father’s house.” Isn’t it reassuring to know that although we sometimes ask, we are assured that our sweet Jesus is in His Father’s home today, just as He always has been. We can speak to Jesus anytime, He’s never on vacation, and we can never lose Him. He is always right beside us when we call upon His name.


Are you questioning where Jesus is during your trials? Well, let me just say, He is with YOU. He is with ME, He is working even when WE don’t think He is. Lean on God for understanding.

Do you feel “less than” others when it comes to biblical knowledge? Even JESUS had to start somewhere! Put your pride aside and jump in, let someone help you understand the Bible. Start studying today. One thing that has helped me tremendously has been daily devotionals and also teaching in KXP. The video and lesson plans are right in front of you and even the kids have taught me so much!

Prayer: God, help us all have the desire to learn about You. Help our hearts know that You are always with us no matter what trial we are going through. Give us the peace and understanding to know that You are an omnipresent God. Amen.

Family Application: Luke 2:41-52

Author: Amy Stampley

Have you ever been lost and it may have scared your parents? Well, this scripture talks about when Jesus was a child and traveled with his parents to Jerusalem. As his parents left Jerusalem to return to Nazareth, they had traveled a full day before realizing He was not with them. I can only imagine the fear when they realized He was missing! After they returned to Jerusalem and searched for several days, they found Him in the temple, sitting among teachers learning and asking questions. When they asked Him why he had done that, He replied that it was necessary for him to be in his Father's house. At the time they did not fully understand, but someday they would!

  • The scripture once again tells how Mary kept these things in her heart. God is sharing very important information about Jesus’s purpose with Mary through these experiences. Do you ever pay attention to things as they happen to you and wonder what Jesus means for you to learn from them?
  • Prayer: Dear God, give us ears to hear the things that You want to teach us and give us eyes that let us see the things that You want us to learn. Lord, give us hands and feet willing to serve others in Your name and hearts to love like Jesus does. Amen.

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