Jesus Cares

Jesus Cares

Author: Kelly Lambert
Jul 15, 2022

Reading Plan:

John 11:1-44

Jesus Cares 

Author: Kelly Lambert 


We are always seeking to know when God will appear and help us during times of suffering and hurt. I can easily relate to Mary and Martha when they told Jesus that if He could have been there sooner, Lazarus wouldn't have experienced death. They didn’t know that two days before when Jesus first got the word that Lazarus was sick, He told His disciples “This sickness will not end in death.” Nor did they know that it would be a miracle that would bring glory to God and that the whole world would read about someday. 

When we hurt, the enemy is ever-present and desperately trying to defame God. The enemy puts things in our minds that are not true. This can be a really hard time for us. It can be an even harder time to not understand why things happen the way they do. We just get frustrated and hurt. Like Mary and Martha, we can’t see the workings of our Father, because we are constrained by time. God is not. I have had to let go and let God be God in these tough times. This can be the hardest thing for me to do, especially being someone who likes control. 

I can attest that every time I get to this level of pain and hurt that God has shown Himself to me through His word and people. Whether it be an unexpected text from a friend, a call from a House Church member, a word of encouragement from an acquaintance, or a random act of kindness. It’s in these moments I see, feel, and hear His words of comfort the most. The verse that really resonates and comes to life is this:

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalms 34:18 

Also, in the passage (John 11:1-44) I find comfort in knowing how Jesus was moved by the loss of his friend and the impression it made on the crowd. 

"Then the Jews said, 'See how he love him!'” John 11:36 

If you feel alone right now, remember that Jesus is coming! Be open to how He is showing Himself to you. We see that even after His disciples told Jesus not to go to Judea and visit Lazarus. Jesus went anyway. Take confidence in knowing that He will do it for you, too. 

I hope that this helps you see how loved you are even in the times when you think He is the furthest from you. Jesus gets you! He loves you, and He understands how hard it is to live in this broken world - emotions and all. He hurts when we hurt, He laughs when we laugh, and we can rest in knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I hope by just reading that last sentence you can experience some level of peace today. 


  • Think back on the time when God did a thing in your life that only God could have done. A relationship restored, overcoming an addiction, or seeing a loved one accept Christ for the first time. Take time now to thank God for His faithfulness.
  • Who do you have in your corner? Who is the person you can call on in times of trouble? If you are seeking biblical community, contact us a, and we would love to help you find a House Church to plug into. 
  • What is that thing you need to let go of and let God help you with? I encourage you to share that with someone and pray together when them as you place it at the cross of Christ. 
  • Prayer: Father, thank You for all you have done for us! Thank You for never leaving us. I pray that if anyone is experiencing pain and suffering today that You would reveal Yourself to them. Jesus, thank You for caring so much, loving so much, and for the patience You show in the middle of our pain. We praise and love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Family Application: Jesus raises the dead.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Yesterday, we talked about Jesus bringing us from death in our sins into life with Him. Today, we are reading about a miracle that happened when Jesus was alive on earth. His friend Lazarus was sick and died, but then Jesus brought him back to life.  
  • Jesus loved Lazarus very much. Jesus loves you very much. No matter how you are feeling, Jesus is always there with you.  
  • Jesus loves you. Take some time telling Him thank you for loving you.  
  • Prayer: God, You are God and God alone! Thank You for loving me. God help me love the world like You love the world. Amen. 

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