Into the Thick of It

Into the Thick of It

Author: Kelsey Walsh
Dec 5, 2022 | Romans 5:1-11

My friends say that I have a calm, comforting voice. Despite the amount of confidence I actually have in my words, I have the ability to bring peace to a situation and point toward a glimmer of hope. I guess it’s a spiritual gift. But my pep talks have nothing on the encouragement we receive from Paul in today’s passage.

“Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame…”

Imagine that suffering is the entrance to a thick, overgrown forest, and hope is at the clearing. I really want to write to you from the other side today. I want to be the wise, experienced friend who made it out of the woods, beckoning you to meet me here. In actuality, I’m reporting to you live from the thick of it.

The word “reconciliation” at the end of verse 11 is bittersweet for me. While here it refers to the beautiful communion we have with God because of the work of Christ, I can’t help but wish it was also a reality for some strained relationships in my life, especially around the holidays. Maybe you’re there, too, and if you thought you were the only one, then, “Hello, my name is Kelsey, and I’m having myself a messy little Christmas.”

But, back to business. This passage is for us. While we were weak, while we were lost, while we were enemies of God, He came to us. We are justified. We have peace with God, which is not only a subjective feeling but an objective reality! See, because of what He’s done, we can trust not only in the legal standing we now receive but also in our freedom from condemnation when we one day stand before God.

If you’re waiting for your own relationships, struggles, or uncertainties to be resolved, take heart in this: Jesus Himself took the same journey. The path isn’t easy, and there are some things in our lives that may not be resolved on this side of heaven. But when it comes to salvation, we can rejoice; if we are reconciled by His death, how much more will we be saved by His life?

Advent is about waiting – not from the finish line, but from the thick of it. Whether in a season of suffering, endurance, character-building, or somewhere in between, we band together, remain faithful, and look toward hope - and His name is Jesus.

  • THINK: Where would you place yourself on the spectrum right now – in a season of suffering, endurance, character-building, hope, or somewhere in between? Why?
  • PRAY: Ask God what He wants for you in this season; should you be still and wait on His timing, or should you take some sort of action to move forward?
  • ACT: Most conflict doesn’t have a simple resolution, but is there any relationship in your life where a simple letter, phone call, or text could be a step toward reconciliation? Be courageous, and take that step today.

Family Application: Hope for the World

Author: Nichole McCardle

When you hear the word hero, who do you think of? Maybe a parent, a police officer, a firefighter, or even the superheroes you see in movies? Heroes have many different characteristics, but they all protect and serve others. Read Romans 5:1-11. Now, after reading that passage, who do you think is the ultimate hero? Yes, Jesus! Jesus lived a perfect life and died an undeserving death, all for us. We are all sinners and turn from God, yet, He loved us so much that He sent Jesus, our ultimate hero, to die for our sins. When we turn away from our sins and accept Jesus as our savior, we receive the hope of salvation. Salvation provides hope for the whole world!

What do you hope to get for Christmas? Hoping for something, like a cool Christmas gift is great, but it is more like a desire or wishful thinking for something. But when we talk about the hope of salvation, we are talking about something much different. We are saying that we trust in all the promises of God. Through God and His gift to us, His son Jesus, we can receive salvation. Salvation is for anyone who chooses to accept it!

  • Think of a community hero (police officer, firefighter, doctor, etc.) and make them a Christmas card. Invite them to church and tell them who the ultimate hero is - the hope for the world, Jesus!
  • Prayer: God, You are the hope of the world! Thank You for giving us the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus! God, help me to put my hope in You and to remember Your promises to me. Amen.

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