

Author: Anna Belk
Apr 28, 2022

Reading Plan:
Nehemiah 9:16-21

Author: Anna Belk

Brother Andrew, a global gospel smuggler, once wrote, “Persecution is an enemy the church has met and mastered many times. Indifference, however, could prove to be a far more dangerous foe.” What a word. In Nehemiah 9, we are witnessing the result of generations of Israelites who had become indifferent to the Lord’s direction and sovereignty. By their own doing, the Israelites extended their stay in the wilderness rather than experiencing the Promised Land much earlier on. As their frail humanity was no surprise to God, His purpose for their journey was created with intentionality. This trek through thorn, thicket, and trial was not just about the physical removal of the Israelite people from Egypt. What was to be encountered in the wilderness was to be utilized for their own spiritual cleansing. Before the Israelites could experience in fullness the Promise Land’s blessings, God first had to purge what was left of their slave mentality from their minds, hearts, and habits. I recently read a story of a character who in her brokenness ran repeatedly back to the habits and mindsets of what first enslaved her. This was until she could finally grasp the depth of love, forgiveness, healing, and freedom being offered to her. So, what makes us run back to our Egypt?

In this story and with the Israelites, common themes furnished their brokenness the pedestal it needed to be the loudest voice in the room. The enemy weaponized pride, shame, fabricated promises, the illusion of control, man-made gods, false sense of security, indifference, slave mentality, and other fractured remnants of their frail humanity to persuade their return to captivity. Their wandering in the wilderness provided just the opportunity for the Israelites to feel their complaints, cranky tones, and collaborative arrogance were justified. Satan preyed upon their human condition inviting doubt, bitterness, and mistrust into the Israelite camp. All it took was one to influence the many. In seasons of deep vulnerability, peer pressure can often be found trailing not too far behind. Verse 17 states that the Israelites elected an advisor to return them to Egypt, aka the headquarters of their political system’s most powerful. God’s people had given their arrogance such room to grow that abuse and exploitation began to sound sweeter to their ears than trusting God’s process. When reading scripture, it can be all too easy to feel stunned at the Israelites’ ignorance as they were literally being guided by pillars of clouds and fire. I mean, that’s all it would take to know I’m headed in the proper direction, right? Now, let’s give this some present-day perspective. Who in your circle of peers has the most influential voice? Can you picture them in your mind?

Okay, now ask yourself if that influence is leading you towards or away from the thing that once enslaved you before you tasted the Lord’s freedom. Has their influence in your life deluded your perspective so that you have willingly exchanged your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical freedom for those negative habits, images on the computer, unintentional ways of life, one more drink past your sobriety, the eating of your emotions, that toxic relationship, or for the grudge you’re still white-knuckling? Are those tainted golden trophies worth your return to captivity? Is the loudest voice in your circle asking you to glorify or to cast off your Egypt? Taste that food for thought, why don’t you? What I love most about this passage though is that the narrative does not end there. Despite what blasphemies the Israelites were capable of committing, God still provided continuous coverage by day and night and acted as their provider along the way.

God knew the Israelites needed to endure the trials awaiting them in the wilderness, but not once did He desert them in the process though there were times the Israelites deserved just that. Jesus knows of the challenging trials awaiting us here on earth. The past few years have been particularly difficult for our world; however, the Lord does not intend to remove His hand from the fire as we are forged by these experiences. God loved His stubborn, cranky people enough to take them through the wilderness so that they could experience the Promise Land in full with not even a thought pattern left from their years in captivity. God intended for them to be free, not just by a little bit but completely. Are you in the wilderness right now? It’s a hard place to be, I know. Set your eyes on the promises of fulfillment ahead, take it one day at a time, and trust the process. Corrie Ten Boom once said, “If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes.” It might be time to change shoes if your souls... I mean soles, have been worn down by the wilderness.

Reflection & Response:
• Who has the greatest influence on your spiritual life?
• Who can you influence in your day-to-day life?
• How can you love others in a way that impacts their lives for eternity?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: God is always faithful in His love.

• In today’s reading, Nehemiah reminds the people of their past. He reminds the people how many times they chose their way instead of God’s way. Even though that is what the people chose, God stepped in. God took care of the people because of His love.
• God loves you. God chose to love you even though you didn’t deserve it. One way we can respond to God's love for us is by telling Him thank you or worshipping Him. What do you want to tell God thank you for?
• Spend some time today worshipping God for always being faithful. He is always good, always takes care of us, and always loves us. Listen to worship music during a car ride and tell God how great He is.
• Prayer: God, you are wonderful! Thank you for loving me even though I don’t deserve it. Jesus, you are amazing! Amen.

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