Instructions on the Family

Instructions on the Family

Author: Mellanie Alexander
May 12, 2022

Reading Plan:
1 Timothy 5:1-8

Instructions on the Family
Author: Mellanie Alexander

We are reading one of Paul's letters again today. This letter was to Timothy who was in Ephesus at the time. There was an issue with false teachers in the church. Paul wrote to Timothy (a young pastor) to give encouragement and show him what it looks like to practically live out a gospel-centered life.

Our verses for today give instructions for the church on how to treat people in the church as well as in the family unit. Older men were to be encouraged and respected. Younger men were to be treated as brothers. Older women were to be treated like mothers and younger women as sisters. Widows were to be honored and taken care of by the church if they had no other relatives to take care of them. If they had relatives, then it was the responsibility of their family to do so.

Since we have been talking about families this week, I want to narrow our focus to Paul's instructions on the family. Paul told Timothy that if a widow had children or grandchildren, then the children and grandchildren should first learn to show godliness to their own household and care for their parents because this is pleasing in the sight of God (vs 4b). Not only does taking care of a widow or a parent in need show godliness on your part, but it gives a blessing back to your parents. God was serious about families helping each other and keeping them together.

Paul goes on to say in verse 8, "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." I don't know about you, but this one stings a little. Remember how I talked about the American dream a few days ago and how I believe it's contrary to the Biblical view of family? I think this verse helps us see how that has become true. We are worse than unbelievers when we see our family struggling, and we don't help them. Let me be clear, I'm not talking about enabling someone who will further hurt themselves and you. We don't help people by encouraging their sin. We do help by taking the time to sit and visit with parents and grandparents. We take them to the doctor when they need to go. We cut their grass or clean their house when they are unable to do so for themselves. If we see someone struggling with addiction or mental illness, we have the courage and fortitude to get them the help they need.

There are millions of ways we can follow the example Paul gave us. It takes intentionality. It takes time. It takes giving up some things that shouldn't be high on our priority list. And I get it. It's hard work. We are all so busy, but maybe that's part of the problem. Because we have allowed so many things into our lives to the point of living in a state of "busyness", we can't make room or time to help when others need it. Paul says we deny our faith when we do this. That's harsh... but sometimes we need some harsh truths to wake us up to the reality of what God expects from us.

I know this isn't an easy subject. I felt a bit chastised as I read these verses and typed this out. I also found it encouraging though. It reminds me of how important the family is in God's eyes. Knowing it's important to God, makes me feel safe and protected. I pray we all start taking the Biblical view of family more seriously and live out God's purpose for it.

Reflection & Response:
Is there a way you can intentionally help someone in your family who needs it right now?
Is your family living out the Bible's model of family? If not, what changes do you need to make?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: Love and Care for Others

• We are reading another book of the Bible written by Paul. This book of the Bible is a letter that Paul wrote to his friend Timothy. Paul wanted to encourage Timothy and give him some advice on how to follow Jesus.
• Here Paul tells us we are to love our families and take care of them. What do you think about when you hear that you are supposed to love and take care of your family?
• A challenge for today is to think of something you could do for someone in your family that would make them feel loved and taken care of. Maybe you help clean their room, maybe you could bring them a special snack, or maybe you could say please and thank you.
• Prayer: God, you are the best! Thank you for being with me always! God, help me to love and take care of my family. Amen.

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