Incomparable Value of Knowing Christ

Incomparable Value of Knowing Christ

Author: Cody Smith
Sep 5, 2023 | Philippians 3

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Have you ever taken a moment to step into the sandals of someone like Paul, the apostle? He had it all, from the right background and family to an esteemed career where he outshone his peers. According to the law, he was blameless. It seemed like his future was a path paved with open doors, even if it meant persecuting the Early Church – tearing families apart, imprisoning believers, and even approving murders.

Now, imagine this towering success crashing down as Paul himself, dedicated to serving the God he thought he knew so well, learned from Jesus that he had been on the wrong path all along. The impact of such a realization is earth-shattering. If we encountered someone in a similar position today, someone who had experienced even a fraction of Paul's turmoil, they might well be on the brink of a psychological breakdown, seeking solace in isolation for the rest of their days.

So, how did Paul, burdened with all that regret and baggage, manage to recover? How did he go from persecutor to preacher, from tearing down the church to building it up, and even becoming a prolific writer of the New Testament? The answer can be found in Philippians 3:7-8. Paul candidly states that everything he once considered a gain he now sees as loss because of Christ. Furthermore, he declares that all things – not just his worldly accomplishments – are seen as loss in comparison to the immeasurable value of knowing Christ Jesus.

Here’s a captivating revelation: Jesus Himself emphasized this very concept. In John 17:3, Jesus defines eternal life as knowing God the Son Himself. Eternal life isn't solely about going to heaven; it's about knowing Jesus. This insight reshapes our understanding of salvation; it's not solely about securing a place in heaven, but about allowing heaven to restore us to our original purpose.

Paul discarded the weight of his past for the sake of knowing Christ more deeply. Now, you might be facing a different kind of struggle – not one of regrets or lost opportunities, but a weighty trauma that seems to hold you captive. Here's where Paul's insight truly shines. In the latter part of verse 8, he goes beyond his own circumstances to reveal a universal truth: even his proudest achievements pale in comparison to the incomparable value of knowing Christ.

This revelation isn't confined to Paul's journey alone. It extends to you, wherever you stand. Whether your past is marked by success or overshadowed by trauma, the principle remains: Christ's pursuit surpasses any temporal experience. So, as you confront the haunting shadows of trauma, remember that the brilliance of Christ's redemptive power and grace can outshine even the darkest memories.

Perhaps you're facing a different kind of struggle – not regrets or missed opportunities, but memories of trauma that cling on. This is where Paul's wisdom becomes clear. In Philippians 3:8, he looks beyond his own life to share a truth that applies to all of us: even when he lost everything – his career, status, and even safety as he faced beatings and stoning for preaching about Christ's crucifixion and salvation by grace – Paul regarded it all as worthless compared to gaining Christ.

And this doesn't just apply to Paul – it's relevant for you as well. No matter if you've enjoyed successes or endured hardships, the lesson remains unchanged - knowing Christ is more valuable than anything else. When you confront painful memories, keep in mind that Christ's strength and grace shine brighter. 

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • How does Paul's journey from pursuing worldly achievements to pursuing Christ challenge your own priorities and pursuits?
  • Consider Jesus' definition of eternal life as knowing Him. How does this reshape your understanding of salvation and purpose?
  • When confronted with past regrets, successes, or traumatic experiences, how can Paul's perspective on knowing Christ guide your response?
  • Prayer: Heavenly Father, as I reflect on Paul's transformation and his pursuit of knowing Christ, I pray that You help me reevaluate my priorities. May I see the temporal pursuits in my life in light of the eternal value found in knowing Jesus intimately. Guide me to set aside the weights of the past and focus on a deeper relationship with Him. Amen. 

Family Devo: Philippians 3

By: Carrie Hobson

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.   

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  


In today’s reading, Paul explains to us that our faith is a journey/race that doesn’t end. God is constantly calling us to new and deeper things that help us to know Christ more. Paul tells us that we should continue the race even when things get hard. When we trust Jesus to help us through the hard times and to help us have His attitude, we will get the ultimate prize! Do you know what that is? Jesus! When we ask Jesus in our hearts, our mission is to run that race for the rest of our time on earth! We can’t decide to be a Christian for one day. We can’t be quitters! We have to live for Jesus our whole lives. I’m so thankful for the reward that’s coming!  


Have you ever been playing a board game or a sport and decided to quit in the middle of the game because you were losing? How did you feel after you quit? Chances are you felt a little crummy that you didn’t finish. You had the chance to win, but when things got hard, you didn’t try. You can’t win when your focus isn’t on the thing that matters. In this example, you got so focused on losing that you gave up. Just like when we as Christians are running our race to our prize, we can’t give up! Even when things are hard, Jesus is right there with you! Focus on the prize, not the issue!  


Memorize Philippians 3:14. When you feel discouraged and want to quit what you’re doing, remind yourself of this verse! Remember to focus on the prize and keep going.  

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your Son so that we can have the ultimate prize of eternal life in Heaven. Help us to run the race well! Amen. 

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