I Promise

I Promise

Author: Bailey Woods
Apr 4, 2022

Reading Plan:

Isaiah 40:27-31

I Promise

Author: Bailey Woods

Have you ever felt small? I know I have. Most of the time when I feel this way, I can put my finger on exactly which encounter started the avalanche of emotions that nearly always feather into one general feeling of insignificance. Maybe you vented to a friend who said, “Get over it.” Or maybe you had an argument with your partner that caused you to feel belittled. Maybe you just simply had an unusually bad day at work. Whatever the case may be, we have all been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Isaiah 40:15 says “Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket.” There are certainly days when we feel lucky enough to be considered even a vapor in that bucket.

I know it isn’t part of the reading, but if you’re able, turn back to Isaiah 40:26.

“Lift your eyes up on high, and see who has created these things, who brings out their hosts (stars/heavens) by number; He calls them all by name, by the greatness of his might and the strength of his power; not one is missing.”

With that context, this passage just seems to hit me harder than it did before. We realize how amazing it is that the God of the Universe, who can call each star out of billions by name, empowers us to be strong instead of weak. As Paul would say, he gives us the energy to “run the good race and fight the good fight.” As if we need more reason to believe God’s promises, verse twenty-six gives us such a good foundation to take this section of scripture to heart.

When we feel shaken, stirred, and moveable, and when the world around us makes us feel microscopic, God tells us, “Wait on the Lord and your strength will be renewed.” As followers of Christ, it’s imperative for us to remember this word.

Reflection & Response:

• What is the default setting that you resort back to when you feel insignificant? Is it a healthy one?

• What are some ways that you cope with feelings of insecurity and insignificance? Do they line up with your values as a Christian?

• Prayer: Lord, thank you for Your many blessings that I experience each day. Thank you that even though my life is fleeting compared to the eternity that you exist in, you still take the time to count even the hairs on my head. Continue to show me that patience produces power that comes only from you. Amen.

• Love Your Neighbor Challenge: It’s Love Your Neighbor week! Let’s find intentional ways to love our neighbors this week! Today, you can bring a sweet treat or a gift card to your neighbor to let them know you are thinking of them. Attach an Easter bring-vite card to invite them to Venture Church this Easter!


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God created everything

• In a verse from today’s reading, it mentions that God is the Creator of the entire world. Can anyone remember what God created in the first six days of creation?

o On day one, God created Light.

o On day two, God created the sky.

o On day three, God created the land and sea.

o On day four, God created the sun, moon, and stars.

o On day five, God created all the animals.

o On day six, God created humans!

• How does it make you feel to know that God made the entire world and He also made you? God made you exactly how He wanted you to be.

• God made every single person on earth. He loves all people. When we know that God made everyone and He loves everyone, we want to love other people too. We want to follow God’s example and treat people the way He treats people. God will help you love people when you have a relationship with Him and ask for His help.

• Prayer: God, You are powerful! You made the whole world! Thank you, Lord, for letting me serve You. God, help me follow your example and love people like You love people. Amen.

Holy Week Family Devos

Venture Church has crafted a resource to help guide your family through Easter Holy Week, the days leading up to Easter. Venture Church wants to partner with families in helping kids better understand and reflect on the time leading up to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Starting next week, use the Venture Church app on Palm Sunday to read Day 1 of the Holy Week Family Devos, and during the week, continue reading the Holy Week Family Devos in our Family Application section in your Daily Devo emails or app. Take this time and opportunity to observe this sacred week as a family. 

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Bible Reading Plan

Family Devos