Holy Week Family Devotions: In the Tomb

Holy Week Family Devotions: In the Tomb

Author: KXP Team
Apr 16, 2022


READ: Matthew 27:62-66

THE BACKSTORY: On Saturday when Jesus’ body was in the tomb, Jesus’ disciples were hidden, the crowds who had demanded Jesus’ death were nowhere to be seen, but the Pharisees, religious leaders, worried about the words Jesus told his followers. Jesus had said, “After three days I will rise again.” The Pharisees went to the governor, Pilate, because they thought Jesus’s followers would try to steal his body to trick everyone. The religious leaders asked Pilate to roll an enormous stone to block the entrance to the tomb and to send guards to prevent Jesus’s disciples from taking Jesus’s body from the tomb. Pilate agreed and told the guards to make the tomb as secure as possible. The Pharisees thought they had won, but they would soon know that Jesus had won the victory. When things seem scary or impossible, we can trust that God will never leave us. Even when people try to stop God’s plans, He always wins!

Is there something in your life that has seemed scary or impossible? - No matter what, God will always be with you. Jesus promised that He would rise again after three days. He did! God never fails. He always wins. You can trust Him!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for always keeping your promises! You are so good! We love and praise you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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