Holy Week Family Devotions: Palm Sunday

Holy Week Family Devotions: Palm Sunday

Author: KXP Team
Apr 10, 2022


READ: Mark 11:1-12

THE BACKSTORY: Today is what we call Palm Sunday. When Jesus was alive, something special happened on Palm Sunday. Jesus was traveling to Jerusalem for a festival called Passover, but Jesus also had a plan to glorify God the Father. Jesus was going to travel into Jerusalem in a way that was different from what He normally traveled. Jesus told his disciples to find him a donkey that He could ride into the city. The disciples found a donkey for Jesus to ride and they began to travel to Jerusalem. When Jesus got to the city there was a giant crowd of people. The people grabbed coats and branches and spread them over the road and waved them in the air to praise Jesus. The people were praising God. The people shouted “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” The reason we call today Palm Sunday is because the branches and plants that people spread on the road and waved in the air were palm tree branches. Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week. Palm Sunday is a great reminder that God deserves all of our praise.


  • Why do we call today Palm Sunday? - The reason we call today Palm Sunday is because people spread palm branches on the road and them in the air to praise Jesus.
  • Spend some time worshiping God and telling Him thank you. Find the Venture Worship playlist on Spotify and spend time singing out to God.
  • Spend time asking God to help you talk to one person about Jesus and Palm Sunday today.

PRAYER: God, thank you for sending Jesus. We love to praise you, God! Lord, help me find one person today to tell about Jesus and what happened on Palm Sunday. God, we love you. Amen.

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