His plans are fixed.

His plans are fixed.

Author: Blake Houston
Mar 16, 2022

Author: Blake Houston

Reading Plan: Genesis 41

Today, I want to zoom in on one verse in particular in chapter 41. Mostly because it simply blows my mind when I think about Joseph's story. Let's look at it again together.

"And the doubling of Pharaoh's dream means that the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it about." Genesis 41:32


Now, you may be looking through the Daily Devo at me saying, "Okay, Blake. You read one verse. What's the big deal?"

I'm glad you asked.

Think about all that Joseph has been through up until this point; life hasn't been especially kind to him. Favored by his dad, and as a result, hated by his brothers, he was sold into Egyptian slavery where he had to fight to keep his integrity and his dream intact. As a reward for his efforts, he was thrown into prison where even those who were with him eventually forgot about him when they left.

He was about as far away as he could possibly be from the dream he was given when he was a young boy.

And now, here he was, standing in front of the most powerful man in the world at the time: Pharaoh. The king had just had two dreams in succession, and rumor was that Joseph had the gift of interpretation.

Now, remember, Joseph had also had a couple of dreams. In both of them, he saw how he'd stand in a position of prominence and leadership. One day, his dreams told him, he'd lead his entire family - brothers, parents, and all. But those dreams were ancient history, nothing but failed memories of a happier time by the time he stood before Pharaoh. Or were they?

It's here that we pick up in verse 32 in chapter 41.

To Pharaoh, Joseph said, "And the doubling of Pharaoh's dream means the thing is fixed by God." Amazing.

Notice what Joseph DIDN'T say. He didn't say, "And the doubling of Pharaoh's dream doesn't mean a dang thing, as my own miserable existence gives evidence to." No. Even now, after all he had been through, Joseph still believed and hoped in God.

He'd had his own dreams, and he was sure God had given them. In his mind, God's purpose was fixed. He knew God would bring about his purposes. As the years ground upon him, Joseph's faith remained constant. God would come through. The thing is fixed by God.

I've always loved Joseph's resolute determination. He had to wait years for God to unfold his plans. And wait he did, trusting God would bring about his will. The hope and optimism Joseph displayed, especially when enduring many hope-crushing events, is inspiring. The dream was alive in Joseph's heart.

How about you? Are you able to trust God to bring about his purpose in your life? Has he put a dream, a calling, on your heart that requires endurance? Have you had to wait much longer than you anticipated?

We lack patience. We want God's blessings to unfold with rapidity, but God is content to wait. Slowly, even through the pains and turmoil of life, he brings about his plan.

Trust the dream-maker. Trust God. Rather than lose heart and become disillusioned through life's constant pressure, trust and believe that "His plans are fixed."

Reflection & Response: 

  • Do you have a dead dream? How has life wreaked havoc on that dream?
  • What about Joseph's life inspires you? Confuses you? Lift these things to God.
  • Take 5 minutes today to write your God-dream on a piece of paper. Even if it's been a while since you have thought about it, try to write it down again. Then, pray, "Father, Your plans are fixed."
  • Prayer: Father, your plans are fixed. 


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Joseph trusted God!

  • Joseph has been thrown in prison for something he didn't even do. He has been in prison for a few years now. Even through all of this, Joseph still trusted God. Here is what happens next: The most powerful man in all of Egypt calls Joseph out of prison and wants to talk with Joseph. This would be like if the president of a country called you one day and wanted to talk to you. What would you say if the president of a country called you? What questions would you ask?
  • When Joseph gets to talks with Pharoah it goes really well. Joseph's answer to one of Pharoah's questions shows us how much Joseph trusted God. Joseph told Pharoah "That's because the matter has been firmly decided by God." Joseph is saying, "I know God is in control and I trust God." How can you trust God today? Can you tell Him something that you haven't wanted to tell Him?
  • Joseph's relationship with God didn't just impact him, it impacted other people too. Joseph told so many people about God and how God was trustworthy. God wants the same for us too. Find one person today and tell what you learned about Joseph and his story.
  • Prayer: God, you are amazing! You are the Lord. You are trustworthy! God help me talk to one person today about Joseph and how he trusted you even in hard times. Amen. 

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