He is faithful!

He is faithful!

Author: Angie Gates
Feb 28, 2022

Author: Angie Gates

Reading Plan: Genesis 21

I was outside one morning, a few months before Christmas, while it was still dark just looking up at all the stars in the sky. I was thinking about how massive the universe is and how amazing our God is in His role of Creator. That’s when a thought hit me: God is so perfect in His timing. He could have chosen to speak a bright star into existence for the wise men to follow, but instead, he chose to use the natural occurrence of His creation already spoken into existence. He knew EXACTLY when Mary should become pregnant with Jesus so that his birth would be set perfectly in the timeline when three planets would naturally align forming the brightest star in existence as a roadmap to our Savior. This thought reminded me that God is never too early and never too late, but absolutely perfect with the timing of His promises. Everything in our culture works against us becoming a people well equipped to wait on God’s perfect timing, so how do we wait well?

In Genesis 21, we see His perfect timing displayed in the lives of Abraham and Sarah. Twenty-five years had passed since the promise of God was given to Abraham that God would make him into a great nation. What we read about in the course of only seven chapters spanned a full 25 years of waiting, doubting, and questioning in the lives of this couple. Hopelessness, no doubt, fought for a place in their hearts while waiting in a situation where all odds were stacked against them. Can you relate? Sometimes it seems as if what we are praying for may never come to pass, and we find ourselves feeling hopeless, but stories like this remind us God has never forgotten His promises to us.
He is faithful. He has a plan.

If we aren’t careful, we will allow the enemy to give us faith in promises God never gave us and when they don’t happen, we will tend to think He isn’t good. So, what exactly does God promise us? Does He promise us all things will turn out the way we ask? No, but He does promise us in Romans 8:28 that he uses ALL things for good for those that love Him. In Matthew 11:28, He promises to give us rest; in Romans 8:38-39, He promises that nothing can separate us from His love; in Deuteronomy 20:4, He promises to fight for us; in James 1:5, He promises to give us wisdom; in 1 John 1:9, He promises to forgive us when we mess up; in John 8:36, He promises to set us free from the chains that bind us; and in Phil 4:19, He promises to provide all our needs. These are only a tiny few of the hundreds of promises God has given to us.

So, how do we wait well when our minds tend to doubt? We hold tight to the promises of God. We repeat them over and over until our doubts are gone. We remind ourselves daily of who God is and how perfect He is with his timing. We wait well by trusting in Him when we can’t find hope anymore. Know this, He is faithful to show up in His perfect timing and that is when we see the promise of Ephesians 3:20 come to life, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”

Reflection & Response:
  • Think about a time you were forced to wait for something. Examine your responses, actions, and attitudes during this time. What things do you notice you need to do differently to ensure you are waiting well?
  • Looking back, how has God’s perfect timing played out in your life? Give him praise for that today.
  • What promise of God do you need to cling to today?

Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: I can do what God asks me to.
  • In today’s reading, God asks Abraham to do something that scared Abraham. God asked Abraham to do something that made him really uncomfortable. Even though Abraham was afraid to do what God asked him to do, Abraham trusted God. Abraham chose God’s way instead of his own way.
  • We all have times when we want to choose our way instead of God’s way. Sometimes it can be a really hard thing to do. One thing that can help us choose God’s way instead of our way is to read the Bible.
  • Another great source of help to choose God’s way instead of our way is to have someone who will guide you along the way. Think about all the people in your life and ask one person to help you follow God.
  • Prayer: God, we love you so much. You are really great. Thank you for helping us do whatever you ask us. God, please help me think of one person I can ask to help me do what you ask me to do. Amen.

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