Have a Little Faith

Have a Little Faith

Author: Bailey Woods
Jun 15, 2022

Reading Plan:
Hebrews 11

Have a Little Faith
Author: Bailey Woods

As you read the title of this devotion, you may have scoffed to yourself a bit as if the phrase, “have a little faith,” was the most Southern Baptist thing you have ever heard - and that’s okay! To some, this overused phrase is the go-to answer to nearly any problem you may face in life. Although using this as an encouraging answer to one’s plight almost never helps, there is so much truth in the fact that, as Christians, our faith is our lifeline. So, what even is faith? Hebrews 11:1 answers this question by explaining both what faith is and what faith does.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

As Christians, we believe in a seemingly intangible, invisible God, yet we have hope in His promises to one day renew the Earth and wipe every tear and sorrow. Our faith is the backbone of that hope. It’s a side effect of our relationship with Christ.

So, what does it mean when we say that God is “faithful?” Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” For this to be true and for God to be a just God, He must keep His promises and His word. It’s very common to hear this chapter of scripture called “The Hall of Faith” referring to the acts of faith displayed throughout the text. We often get so caught up in admiring the actions of these individuals that we forget who and what they had faith in - the faithfulness of God. Let’s take Abraham for example. God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars, so when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only child, who was a miracle to have been born at all, you can see how easy it would’ve been to doubt the Lord’s plan and will for Abraham’s life. Yet, Abraham chose to believe in God’s faithfulness to His promise and His word regardless of the circumstances. In hindsight, we know that God held up His end of the deal and created a nation from Abraham’s seed.

The Lord never fails us. We see this over and over in this text with each example of human faith accompanied by God’s faithfulness to His Word. As life throws its curve balls our way, we are blessed with peace of mind knowing that the Lord will shepherd us and keep us. He is wholly faithful to show us limitless grace and boundless mercy.


  • When have you seen God’s faithfulness firsthand?
  • How often do you make a conscious effort to give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness?
  • Prayer: Lord, we thank You for Your countless blessings. We know that You are just, and You hold true to your promises. You continue to show us love despite our failures and flaws. Keep us within Your light, and allow us to be transformed by Your love.

Family Application: God is trustworthy.
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Today we are reading in Hebrews 11. This is what a lot of people call the faith hall of fame. That is because it mentions a lot of faithful people who lived during the Old Testament time. They were faithful in their relationships with God. They weren't always perfect but they were faithful. What does faithful or having faith even mean? Faith is the same thing as trust. These people trusted God.
  • We can trust God because we know who God is. He is the light of the world. He is the resurrection and the life. He is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the good shepherd. He loves us.
  • One way that we can build our trust in God is by talking to God. Prayer is having a conversation with God. God is trustworthy, and we can talk to him about anything. Spend time praying, and tell God what is going on in your life. He loves you and wants to hear from you.
  • Prayer: God, You are trustworthy! Thank You for letting me have a conversation with You and letting me tell You anything. Help me trust You more and more as each day goes by. Amen.

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