Greater and Able & Holy Week Family Devotions: Passover

Greater and Able & Holy Week Family Devotions: Passover

Author: Cooper Herrington & KXP Team
Apr 12, 2022


Romans 8:18-30 


Author: Cooper Herrington 

 Have you ever been in a spot in life where you didn't know what to do or what to say? Where nothing seemed right? Where things that had once been easy and life-giving were suddenly hard and demanding. I think if we are all honest, we've probably all experienced times like this.

Not long ago that was exactly where I was. The days were long. Choosing joy was hard. Lots of things that I loved suddenly became burdensome and draining work. In this season, even waking up and reading God's Word was a choice to be obedient rather than a passion to run to Him and His Word. Here is a line from my journal during that time: Everything in me tells me to numb out on Netflix, to feast, to sleep, but I know I need to connect with you Father. I need you. I want you to rule my life. I am broken. You are not. You are the Lord.

Not really knowing what to do or say, I went to the people who are closest to me. I leaned into my House Church community. Then one day, as I was eating lunch and sharing my struggle with my mentor, Romans 8:18-30 came up. The truth from these verses washed over me and brought a peace that only God can bring. I pray that they do the same for you today.

Romans 8:18-30 tells us a few things. The present tough times will not last, and they will not even come close to the glory we will experience in the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit lives in us and helps us in our weaknesses. We don't have to know what to say, because the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Our God knows our hearts and minds. He is always with us. Even when we can't find the words to say, our God knows what we need. Let that sink in. Slow down for a few seconds. We do not have to know the exact right thing to say or the exact right thing to do when it comes to being with God. If that revelation wasn't enough, keep reading because Paul isn't done writing. 

Paul wants us to know that our God is working for our good. Even though we might not see or feel it, He is always working for our good. So, even on the days when you might not feel like connecting with the Father, when you might not feel like you know what to do, when you might not feel like God is there, when you might not feel like God is working for your good, you still need to cry out to your Heavenly Father and remind yourself of the truth found in Romans 8:18-30. Even though WE might not, Our God is greater, and He is able.    



  • Write down the things that you need to give to God. Trust that even though you might not know the outcome, Your God, who is greater and able, is working for your good. 
  • Pray for God to grow your passion for Him, His Word, and His Presence. 



READ: Luke 22:7-13 

THE BACKSTORY: During the Holy Week, Jesus asked Peter and John to prepare for the Passover meal. Tomorrow we'll talk about when Jesus and His disciples ate the Passover meal together, but today let's answer the question: What is the Passover? This is a special time that the Jewish people celebrate every year to remember how God used Moses to save the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The book of Exodus tells us that God used 10 plagues (disasters) to convince Pharaoh to let God's people leave Egypt. Before the last plague, God warned the Israelites to prepare so that when the Lord passed over their house, they would be saved. God saved the Israelites from death and from slavery. God told Moses to remember Passover with a special time of celebration every year. During this time, the people ate special foods, did special rituals, and sang songs. Jewish people still celebrate this special time today! Just like Jesus and His disciples took time to remember the amazing things God had done, this week we can remember the amazing things Jesus did for us. Jesus, the perfect Son of God, came to earth, took our place on the cross, and came back to life so that we could be saved from our sins and have a relationship and new life with God.


  • What are some of the amazing things God has done for us? - God sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth to be our Savior. Jesus took our place on the cross and came back to life so that we can be forgiven and live forever with God!  
  • Write a list of three things God has done for you. Pray and thank God for these things.

PRAYER: God, thank you for Jesus, your perfect Son! We love and praise you! Help us remember all the amazing things you have done. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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