God's Promise to Rescue

God's Promise to Rescue

Author: Austin Sines
Mar 24, 2022

Reading Plan: Exodus 3

God’s Promise to Rescue

Author: Austin Sines

There is a lot that happened in today’s reading. We could talk about a lot of different topics in this chapter, but I want to focus on one - God’s rescue mission on the move. God loves us. I’m going to guess that there is at least one person in your life who you love. For me, I think of my wife and son. You better believe if I hear my toddler cry for help, I’m running to the rescue. Most of the time, the dog probably just ate his snack, but no matter what has happened, I’ll be there. We always want to ease the pain of loved ones whether it's physical or emotional.

God feels the same way about us.

In Exodus 3, the Israelites had been enslaved in Egypt for over 400 years and were crying out for help. God heard their cries, saw their suffering, and wanted to rescue them. God appeared to Moses through the miracle of a burning bush and commanded him to go rescue the Israelites from slavery. Remember that Moses, an Israelite raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter, had fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian soldier. He probably never imagined God would use him as part of the rescue mission for the nation of Israel.

We may not be slaves, but each of us suffers in some way, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a strained marriage, a rebellious child, or financial hardship. God sees our sufferings, hears our cries for help, and wants to rescue us, just like He did with the Israelites. God’s rescue mission may not look the way we imagine or come as soon as we’d like, but the Lord’s plan is always best.

Reflection & Response:

  • What struggles has God rescued you from?
  • Is there any area of your life where you’re struggling to believe God is with you? If so, what is it?
  • “God is never late and rarely early. He is always exactly right on time--His time.” ― Dillon Burroughs
  • Prayer: God, thank you for your plan for my life. You give my life purpose and meaning. We are hurting, God. Sometimes life can be so painful but we know that you are a God who hears us. We know you are with us and your timing is best for us. We praise you today, God, as a rescuer. We love you. Amen.
  • Take a moment and watch the worship video for "All Hail King Jesus." Jesus overcame darkness and death for us! Praise Jesus today for who He is and what He has done in your life.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God has a name.

  • God heard all of His people crying out to Him about how badly the Egyptians had been treating them. God wanted to rescue them. God appeared to Moses because God wanted to use Moses to help rescue His people.
  • Moses was really nervous about going to do what God has asked him to do. Moses asked God what he should tell the king of Egypt. God told Moses to tell the King that I AM sent him. God says this is His name forever. That is the name we should call Him forever. Can you believe that? God lets us call him by His name. We get to have a relationship with God, I AM.
  • When we have a relationship with God, we get to call Him by His name, and He knows us by our name. The God who made everything knows your name! Can you believe that? Our God is amazing! Tell someone today that God knows their name, and He loves them.
  • Prayer: I AM, thank you for letting me have a relationship with you. Thank you for knowing my name. Help me tell someone I know that you are amazing, that you know their name, and that You love them. Amen. 

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