From Death to Life

From Death to Life

Author: Jessica Brinson
Jul 5, 2022

Reading Plan:  

Romans 6:1-14 

From Death to Life

Author: Jessica Brinson

Okay, so yesterday we read Galatians 5 and talked about freedom through Christ. Sometimes that wording and what our society teaches leads us to think "freedom" means we can do whatever we want. We can live as our flesh calls us to live. Here's the dealio, fam. That's not correct.  

I work in a behavior class with fourth and fifth graders (don't give me that look, I love it). In the setup we have for our kids, abundant grace is necessary for them to grow and for us (the teachers) not to lose our minds. Sometimes, when a new kid comes to us, they think that because we're more laid back in some aspects, they can take advantage of our leniency or show us disrespect. Now, I love my kids. Despite their behaviors, I love them. I would do almost anything for these kids in the classroom. But as soon as that kid rolls his or her eyes or shows an ounce of disrespect, I feel my mama coming out of me in full force. They learn pretty quickly that just because we're laid back and lenient on certain behaviors, that doesn't mean we will tolerate them taking advantage of us.  

In this metaphor, God's the teacher. We, His followers, are the kids in the behavior class. We know that God has an unending well of grace and forgiveness for us. It's comforting to know that when we slip up and make a mess of things, God isn't going to strike us down then and there. He comes alongside us, shows us how we messed up, and then proceeds to teach us how we can grow. He is the Ultimate Teacher after all.  

He'll do that repeatedly until we grow stronger and are eventually able to jump whatever hurdle hinders us. He'll put people, places, and other things in our lives to help guide us. But just because He is gentle and patient and loving with us does not give us a right to take advantage of those characteristics.  

The heading for this passage in my Bible reads "Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ." It could also read, "A Slave to Sin, Free in Christ." Either title holds the same meaning. When we give our lives to Christ and choose to follow Him, we are turning our backs on our flesh, on our earthly desires. We cannot be addicted to porn and continue saying "This will be the last one I watch or look at. God will forgive me." We cannot pick and choose which verses and which commandments we follow. We cannot choose to live with our boyfriends or girlfriends before marriage and think, "It's just one sin. God says he'll forgive us." But you are purposely sinning. You are purposefully putting sin between you and your Heavenly Father. We cannot continue being disrespectful to our parents. Continue indulging in ungodly media, placing that same media in front of our children. Continue placing idols in our lives. If you don't have that gut-wrenching conviction in your chest, you've either ignored the Holy Spirit and grown numb to His guidance, or there is a much deeper spiritual issue going on.  

Don't be a slave to your sin. Rise up and continuously strive for holiness. Strive for a life where people watch and ask themselves, "Why?" Maybe then God will open a door for us to answer that question for others. Our why is simple: Jesus Christ.  


  • What is your definition of freedom? Read Galatians 5:1, Romans 8:21, 1 Peter 2:16, and 2 Corinthians 3:17. How does this God's Word define freedom? How does your definition compare to scripture's description of freedom?  
  • What steps do you need to take to deepen your understanding of freedom?  
  • Do your actions reflect the path of holiness that God has called us to?  
  • What sins hold you captive? What can you do to remove those chains in your life?  


Family Application: From Death to Life 

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Yesterday we talked about Jesus setting us free from our sin. Some of you may have started a relationship with Jesus for the first time. That is amazing! Today we are in the book of Romans chapter 6 verses 1-14. In these verses, something that we will talk about is baptism. Baptism is an outward expression of inner change. That means that baptism is an expression of a change that has happened inside of us.  
  • When we decide to have a relationship with Jesus one of the ways that we get to follow Jesus is in baptism. Romans tells us that baptism is a symbol of Jesus dying and then raising from the dead. When we get baptized it is a symbol of our life-changing. Before we had a relationship with Jesus, we were dead and obeyed our sins. When we started following Jesus, he set us free and made us alive. Baptism is a symbol of us going from death to life. 
  • Take time today to talk about baptism with your family. One way to start this conversation is to share the story of your baptism. If you don't have a story of your baptism because you have never been baptized this could be an incredible time to lead your family. If your next step in following Jesus is baptism, reach out to someone from your campus.       
  • Prayer: God, You brought Jesus from death to life! Thank You for bringing me from death in my sins to life with You. God, help me take my next step in following you. Amen. 

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