Freedom and Power

Freedom and Power

Author: Kristie Reddoch
Sep 9, 2022 | Galatians 2

In verse 4, Paul makes mention of people posing as genuine believers who were brought in secretly to preach a false gospel. He states that they were sent to spy out the freedom that true believers have in Jesus, and that they wanted to bring the believers back into the slavery of believing a false gospel of works. These are the same voices Paul writes about in the first chapter that were leading the Galatians astray. They were preaching that in order to really be saved, it wasn’t enough to believe in Jesus but that they had to also earn justification, or right standing, with God through good works.

I find it interesting that Paul points out how these false teachers were brought in secretly. There was no announcement or special attention given to them. They must have looked like everyone else and fit in with them in order to have come in secretly. I think this speaks to the importance of us spending time regularly in God’s Word because the more familiar we are with His voice and His Scriptures, the more equipped we will be to recognize and discern false truths and teachers even when they try to creep in quietly or slip by unannounced.

I also love that in this same verse, Paul points out that to be in Christ is to be free. I think this is why he wasn’t afraid to reprimand the Galatians earlier for believing this false gospel because of how beautiful the true gospel truly is. He expounds later on how we have freedom in Christ because Christ is the fulfillment of the law and we are no longer bound to the law. This is good news! Because of our sin, we are incapable of fulfilling the law perfectly in order to earn salvation, but Jesus being rich in mercy and love for us, took our place and fulfilled the law so that in Him we can be saved and live in freedom.

I also love verse 20 where Paul states, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” I love what the ESV Study Bible comments regarding this verse:

“’It is no longer I who live’ does not mean that Paul has no personality of his own (all his writings show that he does) but that his own personal interests and goals no longer direct his life; rather, ‘Christ who lives in me’ now directs and empowers all that he does.”

The phrase “his own personal interests and goals no longer direct his life” is what struck me. I think this is actually part of the freedom Paul talks about for those who believe in Christ. God gives us such a bigger purpose and mission than simply fulfilling our own interests, goals, and desires. God has more in store for us than that, and He gives us the freedom and power to live with greater purpose in order to experience and enjoy Him more fully.


Paul mentions in verse 16 that no one will be justified by works of the law, and then later in verse 21 that if righteousness could be earned through the law, then Christ died for nothing. How does it make you feel knowing that on your own—even on your best day—you wouldn’t be able to earn salvation? How does this emphasize God’s goodness in your life through the provision of Jesus?

How does verse 20 impact the way you live out your life day-to-day, knowing that it’s not you who lives but Christ who lives in you?

Family Content: 7 Marks of Discipleship

This week’s family content will look a little different. We’ll be recapping and practicing some of the 7 Marks of Discipleship as a family. Take time each day to read the Bible Reading Plan and complete the daily challenge as a family. Regular family content will return in two weeks. If you would like to be a part of the family content volunteer team or have questions about family content please email

Read: Galatians 2

Challenge: One of the seven marks of a disciple is being generous. We can be generous with our time, our talents, and our treasures. You can give your time by spending it with someone else and doing something they want to do. You can give your talents by doing something you are good at and sharing that with someone else. You might draw great pictures! What if you gave your pictures to people? You can give your treasures, like money, clothes, or toys to help others that have needs.

Prayer: God, You are the most generous person ever. You gave Your one and only Son Jesus so that I could have life with You forever! Thank You, God! Help me be generous and give my time, my talent, and my treasure to help others.

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