Finding Our Focus

Finding Our Focus

Author: Angie Gates
May 20, 2022

Reading Plan:
John 13:31-35

Finding our Focus
Author: Angie Gates

If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you choose to spend your time? Personally, I would want to spend every second with my family, and I would want to pour as much wisdom as I possibly could into their hearts. I would want to beg and plead with them to always love God more than anyone or anything else and choose obedience to His plan every time! I think we would all try our best to convey things in those last moments with as much clarity as possible in hopes our words would always be remembered.

When we read John 13:31-35, we enter into a time when Jesus only had 24 hours left with His disciples before He would be arrested, beaten, betrayed, abandoned, and ultimately crucified. Take into consideration the importance of the last conversation He chose to have with those closest to Him. Jesus tells the disciples that He wouldn’t be with them much longer and that where He was going they couldn't follow. Then He shares one of the most important commands! This command is to love one another just like Jesus loves them! He stresses to them, “You MUST love one another!” There it is...the most important thing Jesus chooses to leave with them. Then we see Peter completely focus on the unimportant. He is so consumed with the fact that Jesus is leaving that he misses the solution that Jesus provides in return. Peter asks Jesus, “Where are you going?” and “Why can’t I follow?” There is no indication Peter even heard the solution of the new command given. The most helpful information that he would need as a guide for the rest of his life was blurred by his concern for being left alone and not understanding why.

Aren’t we all guilty of this mindset? We tend to focus on our feelings of confusion, fear, and pain; that's when we start spending our time asking "Why?" more than seeking the answers He has already given us in his Word. I am so guilty of getting caught up in my emotions and not focusing on the promises God has already plainly given to me. I think the response given by Peter gives us the perfect opportunity to recognize when we are doing the same thing. The next time we find ourselves beginning to panic and opening the door for anxiety and fear to come rushing in, let Peter’s response of "Why?" be our trigger to stop and refocus. Ask yourself at that moment, “What do I know to be true about God in this situation?” Choose to focus on God’s Word and do not stop digging until you find Scripture that speaks to you. There is nothing in this life you could face that is not addressed by God in His Word. Jesus plainly tells us in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” This is our promise from God that He has not left us to figure things out on our own. Ask Him to show you in His Word, seek the answer until you find it, and as you knock, watch for Him to open wide the door that leads to rest through His promises. Where will you place your focus today?

Reflection & Response:

  • What has taken your focus off the promises of God today?
  • What command has He already given you that you may have missed or disregarded due to other emotions fighting for your attention?
  • Play the song, “This is the Kingdom” by Elevation Worship and truly take in the truth offered in every single word.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: God Loves Us

  • Jesus only had a little bit of time left with His disciples before He went to the cross.
  • Jesus told His disciples to love each other. Jesus told the disciples that the world would know that they were His followers by the way they loved people.
  • Loving people is one of the most fun things we can do. When we care for someone else, it takes the focus off of us and puts it on the other person. This is how Jesus loved. Who is someone you know who you could encourage?
  • As you eat a meal together, share the stories of how you cared for someone this week. Before you end that intentional conversation, make sure to encourage each person who shares.
  • Prayer: God, You are God alone! Thank You for showing me how to love through Jesus! God, help me to love others and love my family so that they may know You. Amen.

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