

Author: Bailey Woods
Apr 8, 2022

Reading Plan:

Lamentations 3:19-26


Author: Bailey Woods

The noun “lament” is described in the Oxford Dictionary as a passionate expression of grief and sorrow. The book of Lamentations is a perfect example of that definition. The entire book is a collection of scripture describing the overwhelming grief that the people of Jerusalem felt following the destruction of their city by the Babylonians. For me, knowing that context brings entirely new meaning and depth to this passage of scripture.

In verse nineteen, Jeremiah tells us his original feelings were that of bitterness (wormwood and gall). I mean, you can only imagine how you would feel if God allowed a ruthless military regime to bring destruction upon your hometown and religious center as the result of his judgment on your people. Yet, in verse twenty-one, he writes, “Therefore, I have hope.” I remember times in my life when it seemed like the world was ending. Maybe it was a bad breakup. Maybe it was when my parents split up. I could name dozens of unfortunate circumstances that don’t even scratch the surface of what Jeremiah endured. I can say confidently that during those times, I was far from hopeful.

So, how could Jeremiah remain hopeful during such a dark time in his life? I believe it was because of his worshipful heart. In verses twenty-two and twenty-three, he praises the Lord for being faithfully merciful and compassionate without fail towards His people. He writes that the Lord is his “portion." In other words, the Lord is his safe haven, and that is why Jeremiah was hopeful. What a prime example for us to follow when we go through hard times. In verses twenty-five and twenty-six, he sums it up by saying, “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him, it is good that one should hope and wait quietly.”

Jeremiah shows us that we can simultaneously wait on God and seek God - the two are not mutually exclusive. When we can’t seem to find God amid our difficult circumstances, maybe it’s because we spend too much time fretting with God over what we believe His course of action should be rather than simply on Him to direct our paths and guide our hearts. So many times, throughout scripture, the Lord just asks that we be still and know that He is God. The “waiting” is where our faith is made complete!

Reflection & Response:

  • How often are you anxious about what’s going on around you? Do you make a habit of trusting God with those anxieties?
  • What are some instances when you felt hopeless? Looking back now, do you see where God had His hand on you during those difficult times?
  • Prayer: God, help me to put my entire life in your hands. Show me that my trust is safe with you and your ways. Refine me to excellence in faith, and give me the wisdom to recognize your will at work around me. Amen.
  • Love Your Neighbor Challenge: How can we share hope and joy with a neighbor this week? Help with yard work, buy a coffee, or cook dinner! Not only can we show our neighbors a Jesus-like love, but we can use those opportunities to share our hope in Christ! 


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: God’s people are sad.

  • In today's reading, we are in Lamentations. This is a book that shows us it is okay to be sad. It shows us that our God is so good and that He listens to us when we are sad. God's people were going through a really hard time. They had lost everything they cared about. The Israelites called out to God and told Him how sad they were.
  • When you have a big feeling, it is okay. God made us with emotions. Talk to God about what you are feeling and why you feel that way. When we spend time with God, He changes us. Talking to God about what is happening in our lives is a great step on the road to peace and healing.
  • God tells us that the way the world will know that we are His children is by the way we love other people. One way that we can love people around us is by listening to what they have to say when they are really sad. If you see someone having a hard day, be a friend to them.
  • Prayer: God, you are the Lord overall. Thank you, Lord, for letting me have a conversation with You. God, You made me exactly the way You wanted me to be. Father, help me talk to You when I am having a really hard time. Help me be a friend to someone that is having a hard time. Amen. 

Holy Week Family Devos

Venture Church has crafted a resource to help guide your family through Holy Week, the days leading up to Easter. Venture Church wants to partner with families in helping kids better understand and reflect on the time leading up to Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. Starting next week, use the Venture Church app on Palm Sunday to read Day 1 of the Holy Week Family Devos, and during the week, continue reading the Holy Week Family Devos in our Family Application section in your Daily Devo emails or app. Take this time and opportunity to observe this sacred week as a family. 

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Bible Reading Plan

Family Devos