Faith in the Darkness

Faith in the Darkness

Author: Austin Sines
Mar 21, 2022

Reading Plan: Exodus 1

Author: Austin Sines

Israel’s Faith Shines Through Pharaoh’s Darkness

Every generation has its own song. An anthem, heavy with meaning and movement, propelling its people forward with hope and unity. When you’re down, this song brings back life and comfort even through dark circumstances. Pause for a minute and think about what song gives you hope and comfort. This song reminds you and pushes you forward. For the people of Israel, God’s promise is their song. It carries them forward and gives them hope through the darkness of Pharaoh’s rule over their lives.

If you're like me, when you read today's passage, you probably experienced some frustration and sadness for the people of Israel. It doesn’t seem fair for the new king to cast them into enslavement forgetting Joseph’s legacy and the great things he did for Egypt. However, it is essential for us to remember one thing.

Even though their circumstances changed, their faith didn’t. Exodus 1:1-6 links the Abrahamic covenant to the people of Israel from generation to generation. This chapter of Exodus is just the start of a long record of God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promise to Abraham. Today we can rest in God’s faithfulness and know that even though our circumstances change, God’s character doesn’t and neither should our faith.

I pray that I become more dependent on you, Lord. Time and time again you show me that you are the only constant in my life. Whatever kind of slavery I find myself in today, I know that you will break the chains that tie me down. God, I give you everything because I know you gave everything for me. Soften my heart and break me apart, Lord. I surrender to you. Amen.

Reflection & Response:

• How has God been faithful to you in your own life through difficult circumstances?

• Did you come out of that season of your life weaker or stronger?

• How can you better posture yourself to rely more on God’s guidance rather than your own?

• As I reflect and answer those questions, I feel more affirmed of the need for God in my life. His love for me is incomprehensible. Even though I fail Him over and over, He has never failed me. This reading has reminded me of some lyrics from the song “Give me Faith” by Elevation Worship. Read the words below aloud to our God and thank Him for everything.

I need you to soften my heart

And break me apart

I need you to pierce through the dark

And cleanse every part of me

All I am, I surrender

Give me faith to trust what you say

That you're good and your love is great

I'm broken inside, I give you my life

'Cause I may be weak

But Your spirit strong in me

My flesh may fail

My God you never will I may be weak

But Your spirit strong in me

My flesh may fail

My God you never will


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: No Matter what I can trust God.

• Today in our reading, a lot of time has passed since Joseph was around. So much time has passed that no one in Egypt remembers the amazing things that God did through Joseph. There is a new king in Egypt, and he is very hard on Israel. The new king has put all of God’s people to work for him. The new king treats Israel really badly.

• Even though God’s people have different circumstances they still had the same faith. The Israelites were still able to serve God and God still kept the promises He made. When we have a big change or something that comes up that makes us uncomfortable, we can rest easy because our God is with us. We can take whatever is hard for us to God. He wants to have a conversation with you.

• We share our hard things with God but we can share them with people that can help us too. One great place to share what is happening in your life is House Church. Being a part of a House Church has the potential to change your family forever.

• Prayer: God, you are great! Thank you, Lord, for letting me have a conversation with you. God, when I have something hard going on, remind me of how good you are. Help me talk to my family and people in House Church about what is happening in my life. Amen.

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