Experience Peace

Experience Peace

Author: Brandy Stewart
Dec 1, 2022 | Philippians 4:4-9

Philippians is another book written by Paul. The book of Philippians specifically is fascinating to me because Paul speaks a lot about joy and peace in a letter he is writing from prison. The possibility of execution would’ve been looming over Paul but he spends his time encouraging the Philippians in their faith through this letter. This knowledge changes everything about the way I read the words he’s written!

In chapter 4:4-9, Paul gives the Philippians (and us) examples of how to experience peace. I don’t know about you, but I always appreciate when I’m told how to do something. Don’t just tell me that I should! I need to know how!

So what is Paul’s advice for experiencing peace? He starts with the command to rejoice always and then repeats it. The next part can be translated a few different ways. Be gentle, reasonable, or considerate in a way that is apparent to everyone. Do not be anxious, but pray instead. Tell God what you need (even though He already knows).

These are all practical ways to go back to the practice of Isaiah 26:3 of keeping our minds set on God instead of the things of the world. I believe that Philippians 4:7 is another description of “perfect peace.” Paul describes it as a peace that our human minds could never understand.

We’re going to wrap up on my new favorite part of this passage. Verse 7 ends with the thought that this peace that comes from God will guard our hearts and minds. One commentary I read said we could imagine God’s perfect peace as a Godly soldier standing guard at our hearts and minds, battling all the things that try to steal our joy. I think I’ll always picture it that way now!

  • What do you think it means to “rejoice always?” How can you practice that more this Christmas season?

Family Application: Philippians 4:4-9

Author: Cooper Herrington

God gives us a lot of gifts. One of my favorite gifts that God has given us is joy. Joy is choosing to see the good in every situation. Joy brings smiling and laughter. Today our reading is in the New Testament in the book of Philippians. The Bible tells us to always have joy. Why can we always have joy? Because God is with us. What do you think when you know that God is always with you?

One thing that can make it hard to have joy is thinking about things that aren’t true, especially things that aren’t true about ourselves. God calls you His child, and He loves you. God says don’t listen to those things that aren’t true – only think about what is true.

How do you know what is true and what is a lie? (This is a great chance as a leader in your family to teach your family that truth comes from the Bible. The Bible shows us what is true about God, about us, and about life.)

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