Escape Route

Escape Route

Author: Brandy Stewart
Mar 30, 2022

Reading Plan: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Escape Route

Author: Brandy Stewart

Remember how yesterday’s reading focused a lot on contentment? Today’s reading is going to show us what happens when we are discontent and act against what God has for us. I’ve been slowly making my way through the Old Testament this year, and I can tell you that the Israelites are great examples of what happens when we begin to believe that we know better than God.

In chapter 10, Paul is using the example of the Israelites in the wilderness. God gave them everything that they needed - manna from heaven, water from a rock, His presence in the cloud, protection from their enemies - and yet they constantly grumbled and complained and wished for something different or something more. Paul tells us that God was not pleased with them and they were overthrown in the wilderness.

Verses 6 and 11 tell us that these things happened as an example for us. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever want it to be recorded in history that God was displeased with me! Does the Israelites’ story sound familiar though? We have food, water, His presence, spiritual protection from our enemies… and yet, I often find myself grumbling and complaining too.

So what do we do? I love that verse 13 tells us that no temptation we face is uncommon to man. Isn’t it the thought that no one could possibly understand that gets us into the most trouble? This thought isolates us and gets us into even more dangerous territory. Paul is telling us plainly that there isn’t anything that you could ever struggle with that someone else hasn’t experienced. NOTHING. Stop believing the lie that you’re all alone and therefore “deserve” whatever temptation you are facing. Turn to God because He is faithful and will not leave you without an escape route from your temptations. Get out of isolation and find godly community.

Reflection & Response:

  • What have you been grumbling and complaining about lately? Think about how you might have a role in the problem. What is one step you can take to begin to change that situation this week?
  • What have you faced that you believe no one else could possibly understand? Have you already talked to God about it? Who is one safe person you could also talk to this week? 


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: I can tell God sorry.

  • Yesterday we talked about being happy with what we have. Today we get to look at what can happen when we aren’t happy with what we have. When we aren't happy with what we have, it can make us want to choose our own way instead of God’s way.
  • When we choose our way over God’s way, it is sin. When we sin, we can tell God we are sorry. Is there something you want to tell God sorry for?
  • Talking to someone when we are having a hard time can help us better follow Jesus. Who is someone you can trust and talk to? Families, this is a great chance to build trust with the kids in your life. Remind them that they can always come to talk to you about what is going on.
  • Prayer: God, you are great! Thank you, Lord, for letting me have a conversation with you. God, when I have something hard going on, help me tell you sorry. Help me talk to my family and people in House Church about what is happening in my life. Amen. 

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