Don't Hold Back

Don't Hold Back

Author: Nikki Payton
Jul 1, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Psalms 95

Don't Hold Back

Author: Nikki Payton 

Venture's Night of Worship in 2019 is the most important memory and the closest ethereal moment I have had with God. Even now, I'm looking at a photograph of the crowd with their arms raised to heaven. I remember how hard the staff worked and the sacrifices that were made to give our city an unforgettable worship experience.  

At the East entrance of Reed Green Coliseum at USM, before the experience began, volunteers gathered in a close circle, embracing one another, holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, and praying for success. I remember several conversations with volunteers who feared empty seats. Yet, people kept rolling in by the busloads.  

Toward the end of the experience, I left my post outside to investigate what I was hearing in the arena – a vibration that I felt under my feet. The lights were down. The worship team was performing at their best, and the crowd’s hands were raised to heaven. Everyone was singing. Everyone. I said under my breath, "My God. Look at this." I realized not only was He looking, but in His perfect providence, He saw this night before I was even born. I was created for such a time as this. I was overcome with the Holy Spirit, and I cried unashamedly. This was only a small part of the worship God witnessed that day. 

There are 37 million churches in the world today. Mississippi has just over 9,000. On any given Sunday, God receives all kinds of corporate, collective worship inside His church. Our reading today gives us a snapshot of the praise and honor God receives when we worship.  

The Psalmist David, an expert musician and lyricist, wrote 150 Psalms for singing our worship to God. Dr. Tony Evans says, "Psalms cover every possible circumstance that life could ever throw at us, which is why there were so many of them. They cover the ins-and-outs, the ups and downs of life – touching on physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual needs." The Psalms were written so God's people could communicate with Him through singing and shouting in the middle of all life circumstances. Today, this enables us to talk to God by praying and singing His Word back to Him. 

David challenges us in this Psalm that when we come to worship, we are to open our hearts to the very presence of God. We are not to come with a "wish list" or "to-do" list. We are to come with thanksgiving (Psalm 95:1-2). We are thanking Him for His greatness, for His supreme rulership, and for His immeasurable and infinite power over heaven and earth (Psalm 95: 3-5). We worship and bow down to Him because He has set us aside to be His (Psalm 95:6-7). There is no room or time for the hardened hearts of this generation (Psalm 95:8-11). 

I remember Next Generation Pastor, Timmy Ruhnke, once mentioning his special visit to a place where there was only one known believer. ONE. Our brother faces demonic violence each day with joy in his heart. When he worships, it's just him and God. At Venture Church, we enjoy freedom in a phenomenal community filled with love, spiritual nourishment, resources, and support. We cannot afford to take that for granted. The next time you worship, don't hold back! Lift your voice, and raise your hands to heaven. Give God the praise, glory, and honor He deserves. 


  • You don't have to look far to find an unchurched person or couple. Set a goal to fill an empty chair next to you in worship with someone who needs to be in the presence of God. 
  • This Sunday, spend time reflecting during the response time. If you need to lay something down or ask for forgiveness, bring it to the cross. If you want to remember and thank Jesus for what He has done for us on the cross, take communion. Ask a team member for prayer, or simply lift your praises to the Lord. Respond however you feel the Holy Spirit leading.
  • Prayer: Holy Father, we thank You for the freedom to come together as the body of Christ and fill our worship spaces with praise and thanksgiving. Give us the strength to leave our burdens and sins at the cross. Forgive us for all the times we pick those things back up and try to control the outcomes. We are determined to give You complete custody of our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Family Application: Thank You, Jesus.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Yesterday, we talked about worship and God’s glory. We are going to see an amazing example of this today when we read Psalm 95. Today we are going to talk about telling God "thank you" when we worship. 
  • What can you thank God for? (Depending on the age of your family, they might have trouble thinking of something they can thank God for. They might be tempted to only think of big, extreme matters. Remind them we can thank God for lots of different things no matter how big or small we may think they are.) God made us, God gave us breath, God lets us have a conversation with Him, God made the earth beautiful, God made the sunsets, and God sent Jesus to die for us. (This could be a great time to share the gospel story with your family).
  • Plan to eat a meal together as a family. While you eat, have everyone say one thing they are thankful for. Once everyone has had a chance to share something, start to talk about people who you want to invite over for dinner so you can love them as God loves us. (As a leader of your family, this might sound intimidating, but God is with you and you can do this! Your church is behind you!)   
  • Prayer: God, You are the Rock of our salvation! Thank You for watching over me and taking care of me. God, help me love people like You love people. Amen.  

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