Winter Storm

Winter Storm

Author: Amy Fontenot
Dec 14, 2022 | Romans 8:31-39

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas! Actually, maybe I’m just thinking of a few festive flurries. I’ve got too much to do to be slowed down by blankets of snow and icy roads. Though we don’t get a lot of snow in South Mississippi, I’ve seen enough movies to know that when a blizzard comes through, visibility and sound can be dangerously reduced by whiteouts. You could be standing an arm's length away from your friend and neither of you would realize it. It's very easy to get disoriented in these conditions.

Panic tends to creep into these uncertain situations. We’ve probably all felt panic, confusion, and vulnerability at one time or another. I don’t know about you, but when I feel anxious, I often miss the truth of God's love. He's always right here with me, but it can be hard to slow down my thoughts enough to hear that still small voice offering comfort and peace. I let the chaos, unknowns, and worry blind me from His ever-present love.

This passage in Romans 8 tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God - not persecution, isolation, hardship, chaos, uncertainty, or even our own missteps. There is nothing we can’t overcome, not because of our own power, but because of the power of Christ’s love. Because of His great love for us, Jesus overcame death and Satan on the cross! Let that be an encouragement that He can overcome ANYTHING - even if we can't see the outcome! Though we can’t see Him, God is always with us and loves us with an unending fierceness. Whatever blizzard you have survived in the past, present, or future, God has always been and will always be right there with you with His arms outstretched. Simply step into His loving embrace and trust Him to carry you through the storm. 

  • When have you been more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you? How did God prove His love and faithfulness to you?
  • Check out today's door on the Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar on the Venture Church App! Complete the challenge behind the door to show love to someone in your life! 

 Family Application: Superglue

Author: Cody Smith

Have you ever used superglue? When I was a kid, my parents would use super glue on projects around the house in situations where a REALLY strong glue was needed to hold two things together. My parents told me never to play with superglue because of how strong it was. I wish I listened. I disobeyed my parents and played with it anyway. I got some superglue on one of my hands and my fingers quickly got stuck together. I tried using my other hand to separate my stuck fingers and guess what? Both of my hands got stuck together! I learned just how strong superglue really was and how important it is to listen to my parents. We learn in the Bible in Romans 8:31:39 that God’s love for us is kind of like that superglue but even stronger. My parents eventually helped me get my hands unstuck, but with God’s love, there is nothing we can do to separate ourselves from God’s love. No matter what, God’s love never fails.

My parents were not happy when they found out I disobeyed them and used superglue. However, that didn’t stop them from loving me as their child. Even when we disobey God and sin against Him, God loves us so much that He is eager to forgive us. How great is our Heavenly Father?

  • What are some ways we can thank God for how much He loves us?
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for loving me so much that You would never let anything stop You from loving me. Help me to love others like You love me.

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