Countdown to Christmas: Hope

Countdown to Christmas: Hope

Dec 4, 2022 | Psalms 33:20-21

"Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in His holy name." Psalms 33:20-21

Psalm 33 was sung by the people of God as an act of worship. In the verses leading up to this passage, the people worshiped the Lord by lifting their praise and expressing their trust in Him, and the psalm ends with the people worshipping by confidently waiting on the Lord to move. In this act of waiting, the people of God put their hope and their futures in the hands of the One who had proven Himself to be worthy of their worship - the One who had rescued, protected, guided, and provided over and over again. This song of worship acknowledges their trust in God to do it all again.

This week as we anticipate Christmas, let us focus on the HOPE our Savior has promised to all people. And whatever our personal wait might be, let us put our unwavering hope in Jesus. Join us this week as we read scripture and devotions that point us to our hope, and jump over to the Countdown to Christmas Advent Calendar to open a door and receive a hope-filled gift! 

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