Count It All Joy

Count It All Joy

Author: Cody Smith
May 31, 2022

Reading Plan:
James 1:1-18

Count It All Joy
Author: Cody Smith

If you had to describe how someone of the world would react to trials or challenges in life, what would that look like? 

Anger? Frustration? Fear? Anxiety? Sadness? 

We could go on and on. How might you describe how a Christian would react to trials and challenges? Does joy come to mind? 

If I’m being honest, the reactions I’ve seen from fellow Christians, myself included, have fallen more in line with that first reaction described above. It can feel unnatural to react any other way which makes sense if your focus and attention are solely on whatever trial or difficult time you’re facing. 

In the book of James, the half-brother of Jesus has a completely different approach to trials which is completely contrary to the world’s app. 

Pay attention to the words of the second verse just after his greeting:

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds” James 1:2 

Notice he didn’t say count it all happiness when you meet trails. Happiness tends to show itself when things go our way. When external events are aligned perfectly, we can be happy. But here James is talking about joy - joy that comes from within regardless of what’s happening around you or to you.

Most importantly James says to count it all joy. Not some or a majority. All. The dire situations, the uneasiness of the unknown, the loss, the feeling of darkness creeping in, the lack of control, or not knowing how it will work out: count it all joy.

Seems ludicrous on the surface, but James is quick to tell us why. 

“For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:3-4 

It’s through trials that our faith is tested to produce steadfastness. When our faith is steadfast, it’s immovable. It’s steady like a house built on a firm foundation that stands no matter the storm. 

In other translations, it says, “...the testing of your faith produces patience.” In other parts of scripture, we read that love is patient and that God is love. A faith that is tested in trials and considers it all joy produces a faith that brings us closer to God. A faith that no matter what life throws at you, no matter the storm, you count it all joy. 

The key to this is in the first three words in verse 3, “For you know...”. You must know it to live it out. You have to know that when trials come of various kinds, when those feelings of anger, fear, and frustration start to creep up, that joy is the only answer because you know in your heart that this difficult time will build your faith and bring you closer to your Heavenly Father. 


  • What are some ways you can remind yourself to seek joy when you experience trials?
  • How might your reaction of joy to difficult times allow you to shine for Christ with those closest to you?

    Family Application: God is always with us.
    Author: Cooper Herrington
  • Today we get to read from the book of James. Let me tell you something cool about the book of James! The book of James was written by Jesus’ brother. The book of James helps guide us so that we can follow Jesus.
  • In what we read today, James talks about following Jesus even when nothing seems to be going our way. He talks about how to follow Jesus even when everything in life is really hard or even scary. Do not worry though, because even though life might be hard, sometimes Jesus is always with us. 
  • The next time something is scary or hard you can be courageous because Jesus is with you every step of the way. The next time you face something that makes you uncomfortable, be brave, remind yourself that God is with you, and ask Him for help. 
  • Prayer: God, You are so loving! Thank You for always being with me. Thank You for helping me when life is hard and scary. God, help me to be brave and ask for Your help when things are hard and I am scared. Amen.

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