Choosing Jesus

Choosing Jesus

Author: Jessica Brinson
Jul 6, 2022

Reading Plan:  

Romans 6:15-23 


Choosing Jesus

Author: Jessica Brinson

As I mentioned in a previous devotion this week, I wasn't overwhelmed with ideas on what to write for this week or this theme. I asked some friends what they thought of when they heard or read "slaves to righteousness." It's such an interesting phrase because the word "slave" has such a negative connotation.  

As I looked more into Romans 6, I was reminded that the word "slave" comes from a Greek word that could be translated to slave, bondservant, or servant. A bondservant was someone that chose the life of slavery voluntarily either to pay off a debt or even in an attempt to remove themselves from poverty. As a bondservant, the person served under their master for seven years while the master held their wages. At the end of the contractual arrangement, the master would hand over the wages and the bondservant would once again be a free man.  

One of my friends responded to my question with a very solid response. She said, "I immediately think that it's like being a slave, following His commands, as a slave would follow his master's commands. But not out of servitude, out of love - being a slave and serving your master out of joy and love. Never questioning. In verse sixteen, it says you are a slave to the one you obey, so as a believer our heart's intent should be that of a slave, or obedient to God."

My older siblings also had a response I thought I'd share. They both said that no matter what, in this life, we are going to be slaves. We will be slaves of our flesh, of sin, or we could choose to be a slave to Christ and His righteousness. Being a slave to sin will only give us fleeting pleasure and happiness. However, being a slave to Christ - giving up our earthly desires and placing our trust in Him - will give us contentment and joy even in the most tumultuous and challenging times.  

Verses 21 and 22 go on to say, "What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death! But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life."

Every single soul on this planet owes a debt to Jesus. He sacrificed Himself so that we would have a chance to follow in His footsteps and one day be in the presence of the Almighty. He is not demanding that we all come to Him as His slaves, but His arms are opened and the invitations are sent. We have a seat at His table if we so wish. We can choose to be his servants, to give our life to him, and to work to bring glory to His kingdom - not to earn our freedom, love, and forgiveness, but out of love for the One who gave us new life. All we must do is say yes to Him and turn our backs on our sinful desires.  


  • Who or what has ownership of your life?  
  • Where do you spend your time, money, and emotions?
  • Have you said yes to God and turned your back to sin?  


Family Application: Jesus made a way.  

Author: Cooper Herrington

  • So far this week we have talked a lot about being set free from our sin and Jesus bringing us from death to life. When Jesus set us free from our sin and death, we gained so much more than just that. That is incredible! You see, when we sin what we deserve is death but because God loved us so much, He sent Jesus to take our place. Jesus took our place on the cross. When Jesus rose from the dead, He made a way for our sins to be forgiven. He didn't stop there though. When that happened, Jesus made a way for us to spend forever with God.   
  • We can worship God for sending Jesus to die for us so that we could be with Him forever. One way we can worship is by singing about how great God is. On your next car ride, remind your family that Jesus made a way for us to spend forever with God, and we can tell Him how great He is. Then play a worship song or two. 
  • One way we can respond to the truth that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead is to have communion together. As believers in Jesus, we remember that Jesus' body was broken for us and His blood was poured out for us. We remember that Jesus chose to die for us so that we could spend forever with Him. Gather some grape juice and bread and have communion as a family tonight.   
  • Prayer: God, You are a good Father! Thank You for sending Jesus to die for me so that I can spend forever with you. God, You are great. We love You. Amen. 

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