

Author: Amy Fontenot
Feb 23, 2022

Author: Amy Fontenot

Reading Plan: Genesis 14

When you experience a major victory in your life, what’s your next move? A party, a big meal, rest? All three? In Genesis 14, worship is the priority of Abram as he makes his way back home after an impressive victory.

“Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine; he was a priest to God Most High. He blessed him and said: ‘Abram is blessed by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and blessed be God Most High who has handed over your enemies to you.’ And Abram gave him a tenth of everything.” Genesis 14:18-20

This is what worship after the battle looks like! Communion, prayer, blessings, praise, giving! Melchizedek, a king and priest of God Most High, meets Abram in the valley after Abram rescued Lot from invaders. (I don’t have time to go into all the amazing parallels between Jesus and Melchizedek, but Psalm 110:4 and the book of Hebrew are great places to start if you want to dive deeper.) Melchizedek, a priest of Yahweh, blesses Abram in the name of God and praises God for the victory.

It's tempting to look at the honorable thing Abram did when risking his life for his nephew and think Abram deserved a blessing from God. The false gospels try to tell us that we can earn grace and blessings, but that is not what the Word teaches us. Abram isn’t blessed for his bravery, his success, or his good intentions. No, Abram is blessed simply because God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, graciously chooses to bless him. According to the Oxford Language dictionary, grace is the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. God blesses Abram though Abram could never do anything to earn it by his own efforts.

Believers experience grace through Jesus. Jesus presented His body and shed His blood for us. When we accept the gift Jesus offers by His blood, we enter an abundant life of grace. We live a life of obedience for the glory of God, not for our own glory and benefit. Our blessings aren’t dependent on our abilities or merit; God blesses us because we are His children and He can, not because we’ve earned it. That is grace.

So, if Abram didn’t deserve the glory and recognition, who did? It’s not a trick question. God!

Abram is blessed by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and blessed be God Most High who has handed over your enemies to you. Genesis 14:19

God provided the blessing for Abram, and God received the praise. Abram's success in battle was not because of the hundreds of trained men or his covert approach to battle. No, this verse clearly tells us that God Most High handed over Abram’s enemies. God gave the victory! He alone deserves glory, honor, and praise!

Abram recognizes this and worships in several ways. As an act of worship, he gave a tenth of everything (a tithe) to Melchizedek, the priest of God Most High. Abram also worshiped through obedience by refusing to accept even a “thread or sandal strap” from the King of Sodom to ensure the king could never claim Abram’s success and diminish God’s glory.

What about us? How are we worshipping? Do we give good worship to God or keep it for ourselves? Whether a blessing received or given—God deserves the glory.

Reflection & Response:
  • Take a moment and thank God for the blessings He has given you. Thank Him for the grace He shows you every day.
  • What are your favorite ways to worship God? Take time now to worship the God Most High.

Have Kids?
Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Worship with all you have!
  • In today's reading, we see that God wants us to celebrate and worship Him just like Abram did.
  • God wants to hear from you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to worship Him.
  • Reflect on God’s goodness. Delight in God. Spend time celebrating what He has done in your life. Eat a special meal or snack with your family and share one thing you are thankful for.
  • Prayer for today: Father, thank you for giving us another day to worship you and be with you. God, help me worship you in all circumstances. Lord, help me delight and celebrate the gifts you have given me. Amen. 

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