Belief Fuels Action

Belief Fuels Action

Author: Cooper Herrington
Aug 22, 2022

Reading Plan: 
Acts 16

Belief Fuels Action
Author: Cooper Herrington

Have you ever taken a trip that blew your expectations out of the water? You expected your vacation to be a dreamy vacation but something unexpected popped up, and things took a turn for the worse. I know that has been true for me. This past spring, a few friends and I took a trip to Big Bend National Park. We hit the road excited and totally unprepared for what lay ahead. The trip was expected to be about a 17-hour drive from our hometown to Big Bend. We drove through the night and made it to Big Bend just as the sun began to rise. We were pumped. We hiked all day that day and took in some amazing views. At the end of the day, we were exhausted from the drive and hiking. We were ready to get to our campsite, sit around a fire, eat some hotdogs, take showers, and sleep. Unfortunately, that was not how things ended up. We got to the campsite to find no showers within sight. At this point, it was also pitch-black outside because the only lights allowed in Big Bend are the sun, moon, and stars. We finally found the showers about ten miles away - down the curviest, bumpiest dirt road ever created. We were totally okay with skipping hotdogs and eating at the small café next to the showers. The only problem was that it closed two minutes before we got there. After showering, we drove back to the campground to start a fire and eat hot dogs. Well, the firewood I bought was terrible and would not catch fire at all. So, instead, we each ate a couple of cold hotdogs and went to bed. I forgot to mention that it was much colder than we anticipated during the night - by about twenty degrees or so. And that was just the first night!  
I like to imagine that Paul and Silas’ journey might have felt like a rollercoaster, too. These men set out to share the good news that Jesus was the Messiah and had risen from the dead. Lots of excitement and adventure were on the horizon. Then they found themselves in all sorts of uncomfortable situations.
In today’s reading, they were beaten and thrown in jail. Through all of this, they remained faithful to share the gospel and choose joy in their suffering. In the jailhouse God allowed them to be a part of something miraculous. Paul and Silas were praising God and singing in prison as the other prisoners listen. All of a sudden there was an earthquake, all the doors opened, and everyone’s chains fell loose. The guard freaked out when he saw this and almost made a rash decision. Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” The jailer stopped and ran to Paul and Silas. The jailer recognized there was something different about them. The questions the jailer asked then is also one of the most important questions we can ask now. “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved…” So simple, yet so great.  
It can be easy for me to overcomplicate simple things, especially when it comes to following Jesus. Yet his invitation to us is one of simplicity. Believe in Him, believe He is the Son of God, believe He was alive, died, and rose from the dead, and you will be saved. There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation! All we can do is accept the gift of God’s grace and believe He is who He says He is.  
What I love about the story of the jailer is that he was a man of action. His belief propelled him to action. After he believed, he told his family about Jesus, and they were all baptized. Through this, the guard changed his life, his family's life, and generations to come because his belief fueled action. Imagine what could happen if you took your next step in following Jesus. What could happen in your family? What could happen in your work or school? What could happen in your city? What could happen in generations to come because of your belief and action? 

  • Take time to pray, ask God what your next step is in following Jesus, and then write it down. After that, write about what your life and the lives of the people around you could look like if you took your next step in following Jesus.  
Family Application: Praise God Always 
Author: Nichole McCardle 
  • Today, we are continuing our reading in the book of Acts and following Paul on his missionary journey. Paul and his friends were doing some amazing things while telling the world about Jesus, but not everyone liked what they were doing. While Paul and Silas were in Philippi, they were beaten and thrown in jail. Think about that for a second. What would you do if you were put in jail for trying to tell the world about Jesus? I would probably cry or even think about giving up! But not Paul and Silas! That night, they were praying, singing, and worshipping God, and all of the prisoners were listening. All of a sudden, there was an earthquake! All of the prison doors opened and all of the chains fell off the prisoners. The guard became so afraid that all of the prisoners escaped, but Paul cried out to him, “We are all here”. The guard saw the goodness in Paul and Silas and wanted that too. They told him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.” The guard and his entire family came to know and love Jesus! Paul and Silas were released from jail and were able to continue on their journey. What an amazing story! Paul and Silas trusted in God, and put their hope in Him. Even when beaten and wrongfully thrown in prison, they prayed, sang, and worshipped God. They used what seemed to be a terrible situation to praise God. Their prayers and praise even led the guard and his entire family to believe in Jesus!  
  • Usually, when bad things happen, we don’t think to praise God. But God wants our praise on the good days and the bad days! When we are having a tough or sad day, it is important to remember that God loves us and cares for us, and He is always with us. He hears our praise, just like He heard Paul and Silas, even if we may not feel joyful at the moment. How can you give God praise on a hard day?
  • I bet the last person Paul and Silas thought would come to know Jesus was the guard watching them in jail! This teaches us that we should always share the good news of Jesus with everyone! Who can you tell about Jesus this week?
  • Prayer: God, You are worthy of all of our praise! Thank You for always being with me in all circumstances! God, help me to always go to You in prayer and praise and to tell others about Your love. Amen. 

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