Bear One Another's Burdens

Bear One Another's Burdens

Author: Kelsey Walsh
Jul 20, 2022

Reading Plan:  

Galatians 6:1-10 


Bear One Another’s Burdens 

Author: Kelsey Walsh  


This month marks one year since I moved from Hattiesburg to Laurel. It was a pretty big step given that I had never lived alone, and I had certainly never made a big purchase like a house by myself. Over the last year, I’ve learned all kinds of grown-up things like how to use tools, how to grill burgers, and where my water shut-off valve is located in case of an emergency (that’s a good story I’ll tell y’all some other time; for now, just know that I can get to it pretty fast). 

But the most valuable thing I’ve learned is what it looks like to truly bear one another’s burdens. It all started with a group of ladies who welcomed me in before I even moved here. They had been part of a small group together for a while, and when I went to hang out with them for the first time, it was instantly as if we had been friends for years. 

We’ve each had our fair share of burdens. A few of us have experienced the loss of people close to us. There have been financial burdens and job burdens and family burdens. But in each situation, it’s a little easier to walk because we know we’re not carrying the burden alone. When someone had a baby, we were there with diapers and casseroles. When the first anniversary of losing my mom rolled around, the girls sent me flowers and sweet notes of love and encouragement. When one friend was in the hospital with complications from Covid, we couldn’t visit. Sending a card wasn’t good enough. So, we gathered in the hospital parking garage to pray for her and sing worship songs over her, declaring victory and healing in Jesus’ name. 

I mean, are you kidding me? What did I do to deserve friends like this? “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” It’s as if each of these women of God has Galatians 6:2 tattooed on her heart. Each one truly sees another’s burden as her own. 

I did a little research on that verse. I wondered what exactly “the law of Christ” means. It’s not about Jewish ceremonial laws; Jesus’ death and resurrection fulfilled those on our behalf. Rather, it means “the entire body of teaching that Jesus gave and endorsed, but in a specific sense, the command to love one’s neighbor as oneself.” 

Look at God. The first example of bearing one another’s burdens that came to mind for me was this group of friends. Of course. My neighbors. They are the most beautiful picture of Christ to me. 

My prayer for you and me comes a little later in today’s passage: “As we have the opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” I think the girls would agree. 



  • Is there someone just outside that you could invite into your circle of friends? 
  • Ask God to put someone carrying a heavy burden on your heart today and show you how to best come alongside them. 
  • Prayer: Jesus, thank You for bearing the ultimate burden – the weight of sin and death – on my behalf. Bring that sacrifice to my mind daily, and let it inspire me to do good in the lives of others for Your name’s sake. Amen.

Family Application: Heavy Burdens Don’t Have to Be Heavy 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Imagine that I gave you five big books to carry and told you that no matter what, you could not drop them or put them down. What if I added five more to your stack? Could you hold them without dropping them? What about five more? I bet that load would be getting pretty heavy! I’m not sure you could handle carrying all of those books. Unless... you had some help! Just like helping each other carry heavy books, the Bible teaches us to help each other carry heavy burdens. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” A burden is a heavy load. Sometimes burdens can be easily seen, like when you are trying to carry a big stack of books or heavy groceries. But other times, burdens are not seen at all, like when you are feeling sad or lonely, having trouble with your school work, or you are worried about your sick family member. Either way, we are not supposed to carry heavy burdens all alone, we are instructed to take care of one another. We should always offer help to our friends and families, pray for each other, and encourage each other. When we help carry each other’s burdens, the load may not seem so heavy after all.
  • Not only do our friends help carry our burdens, but Jesus does too! Psalm 68:19 says “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” When we are troubled with heavy burdens, God wants us to go to Him in prayer, and He can give us strength.
  • Think of some ways you can lighten a burden this week for a friend or family member. You can help your mom clean up after dinner, write a get-well card for a sick friend, or tell a funny joke to cheer someone up!
  • Prayer: God, You are so great! Thank You for helping me carry all of my burdens! Help me to have the courage to ask for help when I need it and give me the wisdom to see when to help others. Amen. 

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