Be Faithful!

Be Faithful!

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Sep 12, 2022 | Galatians 3

If the language in this chapter seems strong…it is! Paul wrote this letter to the people of Galatia with urgency and vigor. The gospel that gave him freedom was the same gospel he had shared with the Galatians, but it was now under attack and the Galatians were beginning to believe false versions and ideas. You can hear the seriousness in Paul’s voice throughout the entire letter.

In chapter 3, Paul gets to the climax of his ‘argument’ for the sanctity of the true gospel, and you can hear him personally, scripturally, logically, and historically defend the gospel throughout the rest of the letter.

If you need a fire in your spirit today, Galatians 3 will deliver.

I’d like to ask you the same question Paul asked the people of Galatia in verse 5…

Did you receive salvation through your own works? By doing the right thing only and always, and earning the approval of God?

Or did you receive salvation through revelation by the Holy Spirit that you and all your good works were actually not enough, and the work of Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation?

I’ll give you a hint – it wasn’t you!

We read in chapter 3 a beautiful reminder of how we, as Jesus' followers, came to faith. Not by our own works, our own intellect, our own efforts, or our own goodness.

Those of us who have put our faith in Jesus have done so ONLY by the kindness of the Holy Spirit in conviction and by the grace of God to save us. Salvation isn’t earned, thank goodness, it is given. As followers of Jesus, we realize that Christ died the death we deserve to give us a life we do not deserve, and we acknowledge His work on the cross was the punishment for our sin and His blood was the atoning sacrifice that satisfied the holy and just wrath of God.

Verse 13 says “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’ He redeemed us so that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.”

What a kind God we have! The gospel truly is GOOD NEWS.

It’s Monday…you’re probably either stressed and exhausted or you’re rested up and ready to roll. Either way, take a card from Paul’s playbook today and get fired up about the goodness of the gospel. Preach the gospel to yourself today and be reminded of the kindness of God. And then, preach the gospel to your coworkers and friends today – be bold in your faith, be honoring in your attitude, be kind in your actions, and be encouraging with your words. And when asked about the joy in your heart, give God the glory for the salvation you received!

  • What is a reminder of the kindness of God in your life? Thank God for His love, kindness, and generosity towards you.
  • Pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with a coworker or friend this week.
  • This Sunday was the launch of the 10-week "Be Generous" emphasis. Be sure to sign up for the weekly challenges on the app to practice generosity with your time, talents, and resources.

Family Content: Be Generous

Read: Galatians 3

Challenge: We cannot do anything to earn God’s gifts. God is so good that He gives to us generously and freely. This week I want to challenge you as a family to find ways to be generous with your time, your talents, and your treasures.

Prayer: God, thank You for being a generous God. Thank You for giving Your gifts freely. Lord, help me follow your example and be generous with my time, my talents, and my treasure. Amen.

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