Be Courageous!

Be Courageous!

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Sep 16, 2022 | 1 Timothy 1

Have you ever found yourself in over your head? I have … too many times to count! Six months ago, I was sitting in a hospital bed doubting if I was cut out to be a mother. Within an hour of giving birth, I asked my husband Timmy, “Do you think this was a good idea?”

We laugh about it now, but I was not laughing then! I felt completely and utterly incapable of doing what I knew I had to do. It felt like an impossible mountain was before me, and it wasn’t going anywhere for at least 18 years.

And yet … the impossible also felt right. As if feeling in over my head was exactly what I should be feeling. The sense of overwhelm had a layer of peace hidden inside, and I was motivated by the challenge.

In 1 Timothy 1, Paul is encouraging Timothy through a similar feeling. Leading others in their faith is no joke! The task feels impossible, and the mountains ahead aren’t going anywhere.

While many of us are not serving as pastors in an official capacity, as Jesus followers, we are walking alongside people in our faith journey. Just as Paul urged the Galatians to not grow weary in doing good and to keep their eyes on the harvest prize, he is encouraging Timothy to stick it out.

Do you relate to Timothy in this season of life? Keep your head up and your eyes focused on the gospel of Christ!

- The goal is love! Ask God to protect your pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith.

- Remember what God has called you to so you can fight the battle well. Ask God to renew that call and strengthen your obedience day after day.

One thing I love about Paul is that he is always locked and loaded with a story from his own faith journey. He never forgets where he came from and the sin Christ freed him from. I don’t know about you, but I want to be more like Paul in this way. When we live in the Spirit, we are active participants in the Holy Spirit’s work. We are players in the game! Our voice of encouragement matters to others!

  • Who in your life can you encourage to push through the hard times and focus on the call God has given them?
  • Ask God to keep His grace and your salvation at the front of your mind all the time. And to let it roll off your tongue as you share with others what Christ has done in your life!

Family Content

Read: 1 Timothy 1

Challenge: What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? Today we read that the best gift God has ever given us is the gift of His son, Jesus. When we accept the gift of a relationship with Jesus, we can give gifts, too. We can follow God’s example. One way we can give gifts is with our treasures. Not treasures like a pirate chest, but our money. No matter how much you give, it always makes a difference, and God is happy to see us give. When we give, we are living like Jesus lived.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gift of a relationship with Jesus. God, You are so generous. I love You. I love getting to have a relationship with You. Help me follow Your example and to be generous with my money. Amen.

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