Be Bold

Be Bold

Author: Mellanie Alexander
Aug 2, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Acts 2 

Be Bold 

Author: Mellanie Alexander 


I love learning about Peter. He is my favorite disciple. I think it's because I identify with Him so much. In the four gospels, we find him speaking before he thinks things through. One moment Jesus is telling him that He will build His church on him and the next Jesus is rebuking him because Peter sticks his foot in his mouth - again. He was loud-mouthed, impetuous, boastful, and unstable. He also seemed to lack a thing called humility. So yeah, I can identify with all those things.  

In Acts Chapter 2, after the Holy Spirit came, Peter changed. He stepped boldly into his calling and never looked back. All of a sudden, the man who once denied he even knew Jesus, loudly lifted his voice and started preaching the gospel to whoever would listen (vs. 14-36). He told people to repent and be baptized (vs. 38). He bore witness and called on the name of Jesus and many were saved because of his boldness (vs. 40-41).  

Imagine how different this story would be if Peter looked back over his life, saw all his faults up to this point, and decided because of his faults and sins, he wasn't worthy to preach the gospel. It seems like a crazy idea, but isn't this what we do as believers sometimes? I think Satan is clever in getting us so focused on the sins of our past that we don't feel like we can step out in boldness for God. We feel unworthy. How can I speak against certain sins when I did that very sin ten years ago? Satan speaks the lie, and we believe it. We allow shame from past sins to keep us from living the life God calls us to live.  

Friend, it's time to quit believing these lies. It does not matter what sin you committed in the past. You have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and you are a new creation. That doesn't mean you are perfect. It doesn't mean you don't continue to struggle with sin. It does mean you have the same Holy Spirit that flowed through Jesus. The Holy Spirit that gave Peter, a sinner, such boldness lives in you.   

Yes, I want to identify with Peter. I know I will never be perfect in this life, but I have a Father who is quick to both forgive and restore me when I seek forgiveness of sin. I want to be bold and unashamed of the gospel. I don't want to look back at my past but press on towards the goal. I want the power of the Holy Spirit to fill me with such love and compassion for other people that when I reach my real home, Jesus looks at me and says, "You lived your life well." Let's be bold because of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Let's lift our voices and proclaim the gospel. Let's be a little more like Peter.  


  • How has the Holy Spirit changed your life? 
  • What actions can you take this week to be bold like Peter? 

Family Application: Call to repent?

Author: Tina Bryant 

  • In Acts 2, the followers of Jesus were all gathered together, and they were waiting for the friend Jesus had promised, the Holy Spirit. And then the Holy Spirit showed up and did some amazing things! People started talking in languages they didn’t know. WHOA! There were a bunch of people who saw and heard what was happening but they didn’t know about the promise Jesus gave the followers of Jesus. They wanted to know what was going on because it seemed so wild! In Acts 2:14-36, Peter explains to all these people that Jesus said these things would happen, and the power of the Holy Spirit helped them.  
  • In Acts 2:37, we find out that the people wanted to know what they should do, so Peter tells them to repent and be baptized. Repent is a big word! Repent means that we shouldn’t just be sorry when we do the wrong thing, but we should turn away from the things we know are wrong and go in the opposite direction! What is something you know you should turn away (repent) from? 
  • Turning away from something we do that doesn’t please God is hard to do without help. Who do you think can help you turn from doing wrong things? Maybe your parents, grandparents, or friends who follows Jesus can help you! Remember in our devotion from yesterday how the Holy Spirit gives us power? The Holy Spirit can help you turn away from what is wrong (repent) and give you the power you need!
  • Prayer: Jesus, thank You for giving us the power of the Holy Spirit to help us repent, and turn away from the things that don’t please God. Help us grow strong daily in the Holy Spirit's power. Amen! 

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