Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask, Seek, Knock

Author: Austin Sines
Jun 23, 2022

Reading Plan: 

Mathew 7:7-11

Ask, Seek, Knock 

Author: Austin Sines 

Prayer is so incredibly important in our walk with God. Although we might have a really good routine of prayer, our misguided understanding of it may become a stumbling block for us. In Mathew 7:7-11, Jesus himself gives us a much-needed lesson about prayer - God will always answer prayer but in His way. Most of the time, prayer can turn us into pleading and asking God for something we want. And it's through prayer that we may even realize a need that is much greater than the desire that initiated our prayer. We have to understand that God doesn't always give us what we ask for, but He always gives us what we need. Prayer is not just a tool we can use, it's essential. It's an instrument that God has given us to keep us close to Him. I don't want you to think that we can't ask God for our desires and wants. But what I do want is for you to venture with me through Mathew 7:7-11 and think about how we can alter the expectations of our prayer life to better posture ourselves to receive what God is doing in our lives.   

I want to break this down into three sections, the first will cover the act of asking that we see at the beginning of verse 7. Like I said before, coming to God with requests is good to do if they're conceived through the right motives, but we have to understand that prayer should never be a way of manipulating God to get what we want. Prayer is an avenue of discovering what God wants for us. We all have our own wills and wants. If we use the act of prayer and are receptive to our desires being conformed to God's will, we will see that He always answers. We may not get what we wanted, but we will see that we got what we truly needed. 

The second part of verse 7 is seeking. We can seek God in many different ways. That might look like reading scripture or maybe seeking counsel from a mature Christian for guidance. Either way, to seek God is to deliberately try and find out what God wants for us or what we need to do for Him. When we intentionally seek His will and not our own, we can see more clearly how God is moving in our lives and ultimately answering our prayers in His time, not ours.  

The third part of verse 7 and the final advice Jesus gives us is to knock. Knocking suggests a degree of persistence. Be persistent in prayer with the understanding that as you have summoned the One on the other side of the door, He's there for you. Our persistent prayer can not only serve as a test of our sincerity, but it can also serve as a way to provide a clear understanding of what we really need. It leads us to the discovery of what God wants for us. Prayer is a progressive experience and developing a relationship with the One who holds the answers to our petitions.   

Verse 11 is just a reminder and a testament to how good our God is to us. As much as we want to give our children good gifts, how much more does God want to give His children what is best for them? It's all about God and what He wants to do for us as a Father who loves His children. God does more than anything we could possibly even ask of Him. My prayer for us is to have a conscious mindset about how to effectively communicate to our Father with His will in mind.   


  • How is your prayer life? If it's like mine, you probably struggle when entering into seasons of busyness. I received great advice a long time ago that has changed my life, and I urge you to listen to it as well. Give God your first fruits. When you wake up in the morning, spend some time with God before you do anything. Put your phone down, turn the T.V. off and be in the presence of God. Doing this will allow you to spend more meaningful time with Him. For me, it usually keeps the things I prayed about at the forefront of my mind throughout the rest of my day. 
  • Prayer: God, thank You for the power of prayer. Thank You for the Bible and the instructions You give us to be able to communicate with You better. We pray that your will would be on the forefront of our minds when we bring our desires and wants to you.  


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family. 

Family Application: Ask, Seek, Knock 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Can you remember the best gift that you ever received? Maybe it was a new bike, a dollhouse, or a brand-new pair of shoes that you had been wanting. The person who gave you that gift sure did show their love to you, right? In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus teaches us about asking God our Heavenly Father for gifts. God loves us so much, and He wants the very best gifts for us. But how do we ask God for His good gifts? Jesus reminds us that we should ask, seek, and knock. We should pray and ask God for His good and perfect gifts. We should seek and look for what He wants for us through prayer and reading the Bible. We should knock, as if we are knocking on a door, and wait to see if God opens that door for us. Just like we trust our parents and family to give us good things, we should trust that God will give us great things.  
  • God loves us so much and He wants what is best for us. These gifts that we are asking God for are not just material things like toys, games, or clothing. They are gifts from God, the very best gifts we could be given! James 1:17 tells us that all of our good and perfect gifts are from God. What are some gifts that God has given you through answered prayers? 
  • Look around you right now and notice all the good things God has given you. Maybe it's your loving family, your best friend, a cozy bed to sleep in, or a yummy meal to eat. Take some time to pray and thank God for all of His good gifts! 
  • Prayer: God, You are perfect! Thank You for loving me and hearing my prayers! God, I trust You. Amen. 

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