Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Author: Blake Houston
Oct 18, 2022 | Matthew 24:45-51

It would be an understatement to say that Jesus is on a roll here with his parables. It seems like the closer we get to the Cross in the story, the more urgent and full-throttle His parables become. Today’s story continues in this pattern.

To understand what Jesus is saying in this parable, we must first look at what is going on at this point of Matthew’s gospel.

Jesus had just left the temple in Jerusalem for the last time. He would not step back through those doors during His time on earth. He knew the hard-heartedness of the Pharisees and other religious elite would cause them to ultimately forsake God’s Word, and when His disciples tried to get Him to comment on the splendor of the temple complex, He redirected their awe towards a more important matter: signs of His second coming and the end of the age.

We won’t spend time on this section of Scripture other than to bring up the main theme in Jesus’ speech: Buckle up and be ready.

It is here, in the midst of this speech, that we find today’s parable of the Two Servants. Let’s unpack each of the servants together.

The Faithful and Wise Servant

Jesus’ purpose in this parable is to teach us how we are to live in the light of His imminent return. He could come back for His Bride at any time, so we are to be prepared and ready, actively living in such a way that will give Him glory.

This is the purpose of the first servant. As we await Christ’s return, we are to live “faithfully and wisely.” But what does this mean?

To be faithful is to be one who is trustworthy and dependable. It is to be firmly devoted to and focused on Jesus and one another.

To be wise is to be mindful of what’s to come and to adjust our lives to what we know will take place. It means that we are to live every day as if Jesus is coming back today!

The faithful and wise servant is the one who is focused on the task of service (giving the household food in verse 45). I pray we will wake up every single day, with the fire of the knowledge that the King is on His way, ready to break open the Bread of Life to anyone and everyone who has need. Let us be the faithful and wise servants!

The Wicked Servant

But Jesus doesn’t stop there. He also gives us a picture of the wicked servant. This is the one who is not living in the reality that Jesus could come at any time and begins to live selfishly and foolishly. To Jesus, this is the worst attitude one could possibly have. Yet, it is a temptation.

The enemy would love nothing more than to lull us into a place of passivity and selfishness as we wait on Jesus’ return. The monotony of daily life can rock us slowly into a slumber, where we hardly focus on anyone other than ourselves, much less actually serve them. I can easily fall into this slumber, and it’s parables like this that help open my eyes and reestablish readiness in my life.

In the end, the focus on the parable is this: Christ is returning, and He is returning at any moment. As believers, we are to be ready and actively in service to others, living faithfully and wisely. This is our calling.

So, are you ready?


  • What emotions or thoughts come to the front of your mind when you read about the faithful servant? What about the wicked servant?
  • Read this parable in light of the entirety of Matthew 24. What does this show you about how Jesus saw His return?
  • Are you ready for the return of the King? He could come at any moment. How does this change your perspective on your day-to-day life?
  • Prayer: Jesus, You are coming soon. Wake me up, make me alert. I don’t want to be in a slumber, moving slowly through daily life, when You return. Holy Spirit, activate my heart and put Your fire in me so that my hands and feet are on purpose, serving those who You have put in my path. I live for You, Jesus. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Family Content

Author: Anna Overstreet

  • Today, we find ourselves reading another parable coming from Matthew 24:45-51. These passages are often referred to as the “Parable of the Good versus Evil Servant.” The meaning of the “Good Servant” is someone who has a relationship with Jesus, while the “Evil Servant” is someone who doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus. Let’s look at the differences between them. (Take this opportunity to search other Bible versions to see how each servant is described.)
  • A good servant is:
  • •faithful
    •in charge of many things
    •a good worker
    •acts in all these ways when the master is away
  • An evil servant is:
    •cruel to others
    •keeps bad company
    •placed with hypocrites
    •acts poorly when his master is gone
    •definitely does not receive a blessing
  • Who are you when no one else is around or looking?
    Do your words and actions behind closed doors align more with the evil or good servant?
    Can you be trusted to run and take care of things well like the good servant?
    Use these lists to examine your daily habits and areas of your life that may need improvement.
  • Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us real-life examples of how to live a chosen and holy life. Help us to be aware of any areas of our life that are more like the behavior of the wicked servant. Please help us to make the effort to be more like the good servant every day, Oh Lord. Amen.

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