

Author: Amy Fontenot
Jul 21, 2022

Reading Plan: 

2 Corinthians 5:11-21



Author: Amy Fontenot 


Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez from The Sandlot was one of my favorite movie characters when I was a kid. I can still remember the first time my family rented The Sandlot VHS from Blockbuster when I was six years old. I rewatched it at least a dozen times that weekend. Benny’s best friend, Scotty Smalls, was so relatable to me because my family had recently moved to a new city and I hadn’t made a lot of friends yet. My heart still melts when I watch the scene where Benny - this cool, friendly, talented kid - invites Scotty, the new kid with no glove and no ability, to play baseball with him and his friends. 

Benny was the oldest and the best baseball player of the group, but he was never condescending or unkind. His passion for the game was so evident because he went out of his way to share the sport. Benny helped others understand baseball and develop their skills so that they could have fun playing together. Not only was Benny a great baseball player, but he was an even better friend. 

Benny was an all-around great kid, but I also see him as an ambassador for baseball. An ambassador is a person who acts as a representative or promoter of something specific - like baseball. Benny passionately recruited others to play, patiently explained the history and mechanics of the game, and persevered against many obstacles to play baseball with his friends. 

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20 

In today’s passage, Paul is urging us to live a life that represents Christ. Paul doesn’t ask this of his reader so that we can be seen as superior or be in a position to look down on others. No, we are called to represent Christ with our lives so that others could understand the grace and mercy of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross and the hope of His resurrection. Paul pleads with the Corinthians and with us to be reconciled, brought together, joined to God.  

Like Benny was passionate about baseball, we are to live life on fire for Jesus, inviting others to join us. As Benny was patient with his friends, we are called to meet people where they are and disciple them with love and humility. Like Benny and his friends, we can come together to face obstacles in faith and in life; we are better together. Benny wouldn’t have made as big of an impact on his friends if he hadn’t lived with integrity, and like Benny, neither will we.  



  • What are your passions? How can you leverage your passions to be an ambassador for Christ? 
  • Think of a time when believers came around you during your time of need. How did that leave a lasting impact?  
  • An invitation can change an eternity. Invite someone into your life, your friendships, and your faith community today.  

Family Application: Ambassadors for Christ 

Author: Nichole McCardle 

  • Have you ever heard the word "ambassador?" An ambassador is someone who acts as a representative or promoter of something specific. Maybe your absolute favorite candy is Snickers, and you think everyone in the world should try them too because they are so delicious. You might tell everyone about Snickers, carry them around to share with friends, and even wear a Snickers tee shirt! That would make you an ambassador for Snickers. Maybe you are an ambassador for your favorite sport. If you watched Sandlot during At the Movies this week, you saw that Benny was definitely an ambassador for baseball. He loved the game, taught his friends how to play, and made sure that he played baseball no matter what. In today’s reading, we learn that we are to be ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” What Paul is teaching us in this passage is that once we put our faith in Jesus, we become part of the family of God. To live as part of the family of God means that everywhere we go, we are to be representatives (ambassadors) of God. We can represent God through our words by speaking carefully and kindly and telling others about Jesus. We can also represent God through our actions by being helpful and serving others. 
  • Are you a faithful ambassador for Christ? Do you show others that you are part of the family of God through your actions and words?  
  • One way to be an ambassador for Christ is by inviting a friend to church with you. Be sure to invite at least one friend to join you for At The Movies this week. 
  • Prayer: God, You love me so much! Thank You for inviting me to be a part of the family of God! Help me to show everyone Your love through my actions and my words. Amen. 

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