A Worthy Life

A Worthy Life

Author: Angie Gates
May 17, 2022

Reading Plan:
Ephesians 4:1-7

A Worthy Life
Author: Angie Gates

I was talking with a friend recently about some health issues she was having, and I was begging her to go to the doctor. There was a lot of hesitation and fear involved for a variety of reasons, however, things were happening that were clearly out of her control and greatly affecting her body. The situation had been avoided far too long and the side effects were getting worse. The only thing I could do was continually urge her to go and remind her that she was not going through any of this alone. Have you ever been in a similar situation where you clearly see what is best for someone, yet you are forced to watch as they resist what is best for them because of gripping fear and anxiety?

I am reminded of this situation as I read Ephesians 4:1, and I hear the words of Paul, “I URGE you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” We have to consider what is at stake here if Paul spent so much of his time writing a letter to the Ephesians to beg them to be very careful in how they were living! Paul understood the price that was paid and allowed us to receive a calling in the first place! What is our calling? Do you even believe you have a calling? Jesus didn’t die for us to live for ourselves; therefore, our calling is simple. Strive to reflect God and bring Him glory in whatever you do. Although the calling is simple, the task itself is not which is why I believe Paul gives us a starting point beginning in Ephesians chapter four.

Beginning in verse two, Paul urges us to be completely humble. This means we must evaluate our attitudes. It can be scary to face the reality of our imperfections, but just like my friend learned, avoiding scary things never brings healing and health. Paul also tells us to be gentle, and patient, and to bear with one another in love. I challenge you to mentally walk through every conversation you have had over the last 24 hours. How many of your interactions were filled with gentleness, patience, and love? It's a scary place to face the reality of our imperfections. Paul gives us one last stepping stone to help us in our pursuit of a worthy lifestyle. He reminds us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. We can’t keep something we never received in the first place. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and the calling to glorify Him in all our ways, we are given oneness with His Spirit. Paul is begging us to do whatever we have to do to keep this unity. We must protect it, fight for it, and guard it daily. A quick self-examination of any relationship in our life with disunity is the place to start. What needs to change? Where is the need for grace to be extended? It may be hard to face, but a life worthy of our calling is never easy.

I would never urge my friend to seek medical attention just because it’s one of many options. No, in some situations it is the ONLY option. If she wants to get better, she must go! The same stands true for Paul’s heart in telling us to be careful in how we live. If we want to live the fulfilled life that we have been called to, we must be intentional about our actions. It’s the ONLY way. Paul knows the destruction that is in store for us if we try and choose another path. He is saying: No, this is the ONLY path that will lead you to a completely fulfilled life. How much of his advice will we receive today? How much attention are we willing to give to an in-depth self-examination of our hearts? I pray we all dare to strive to make necessary changes and trust the process will be worth it.

Reflection & Response:

  • Find a place to be alone with God today, and ask Him to reveal the area of your life that needs His healing and attention. Be willing to sit in silence with Him and truly listen for Him to speak.
  • How can you make one change today that will allow you to be more gentle, loving, and kind to those in your path?
  • How will you fight for unity in your current relationships today?


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.
Family Application: We Are Better Together
  • The book of Ephesians is a letter. The apostle Paul was writing a letter to the church that was in the city of Ephesus. One of the things that Paul told the Ephesians was that together they were better than if they were alone. He tells them to do everything they can to stay together and to keep peace with each other.
  • Why would Paul say that? The Bible is saying that it is good for us to be with each other and that it is a way you can glorify God. God calls his followers to stick with each other even when it is really hard. When we love instead of hate, it shows God’s love for the people who are most different from us.
  • Prayer is one way that God helps us love people who can be hard to love. When we pray for those who are difficult for us to love, God changes us. God helps us love people when we cannot do it on our own.
  • Prayer: God, You are so strong! Thank You for helping me show Your love to the world! God, help me to love through my actions and behaviors. Amen.

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