A Tour Guide

A Tour Guide

Author: Blake Houston
Jun 7, 2022

Reading Plan:
Romans 15:1-13

The Tour Guide
Author: Blake Houston

During my time at Southern Miss (To the Top!), I served as a tour guide for potential students who were thinking about making the University their home for the next several years. 

It was one of my favorite parts of my college experience, but it took a while to get used to it. First off, when taking a group on a walking tour, I had to walk backward so that everyone in the group could hear me. Then, when showing a building or area of campus on the tour, I had to make sure to point with two fingers.

Never point with one finger. Never, ever point with one. 

But once those idiosyncrasies were ironed out, I fell in love with the task of sharing my passion for Southern Miss with anyone & everyone who would listen. Taking potential students to my favorite places on campus and answering their questions was exhilarating, especially when I saw the “lights turn on” in the eyes of those who had just cemented their decision to attend in the fall. 

In today’s reading, we continue our journey on the Hope Road. But did you notice something that Paul is telling us? 

This route comes with a tour guide.

Paul teaches that we are to “bear with the failings of the weak” (v1), “please his neighbor for his good, to build him up” (v2), and “welcome one another” (v7). But the incredible thing about these verses is that Paul is sure to remind us that Christ is the one who first accomplished all of them. Jesus shows us the way to living a life so filled with hope that it expands out and impacts those around us. 

Christ did not only do good things for Himself, so we are to do good things for our neighbors for His good. 

Christ lived in harmony with those around him, so we are to do the same. 

Christ has welcomed us, so we welcome others. 

If you have ever looked for a “roadmap to a life well-lived,” then look no further than the life of Christ. He walks backward, making sure that we can see His face and remember that He first loved us. He points (with two fingers, probably) at the areas of our lives where we can allow the torrent of Hope to fill in the gaps and make us more like Him. 

And as He points, we see the nail-scarred hands that remind us that there is no cross He wasn’t willing to bear. He has already walked this path, and in His love, He is showing us the way as well. 


What does Paul say about Jesus in these verses? What does this show us about who Jesus is?
What areas of your journey need to be more reflective of Christ? What steps do you need to take today to make it so?
Prayer: Lord, thank You that I do not have to walk through life blind. You are our tour guide, and You have given us a blueprint for a life well-lived. Help me to make adjustments in my rhythms to allow You to guide me in every area, even the ones I want to keep hidden. Thank You for leading me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Family Application: Our God is Great.
Author: Cooper Herrington

In today’s reading, we continue our journey on the Hope Road. Did you notice something that Paul is telling us? This route comes with a tour guide. Paul teaches that we are to “bear with the failings of the weak” (v1), “please his neighbor for his good, to build him up” (v2), and “welcome one another” (v7). But the incredible thing about these verses is that Paul is sure to remind us that Christ is the one who first accomplished all of them. Jesus shows us the way to living a life so filled with hope that it goes out and impacts those around us.
Jesus did not live to do good things for Himself, so we are to live to do good things for our neighbors for His good. Jesus lived in peace with those around him, so we do the same. Jesus has invited us, so we invite others.
Jesus came and lived the perfect life! Spend time telling Jesus how great He is. You might write a letter or spend time singing worship music.
Prayer: God, You are so great! Thank You for giving us an example to follow Jesus. God, You are wonderful. I am so glad I get to tell the world about how great You are. Amen.

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