A Part to Play

A Part to Play

Author: Blake Houston
Jun 6, 2022

Reading Plan:
1 Peter 1:13-25

A Part to Play
Author: Blake Houston

Join me on a journey.

Over the next 5 days, we are going to be traveling together on this road called “Hope.” What is it? Where does it come from? And how can we know we have it?

Peter structures his whole letter to “the scattered ones” around this idea of hope. But not just any hope; it’s a living hope.

Okay, so what does that mean?

It means that we’re a part of a story. A huge story. A massive story of grace and love that originates from the Father and makes its way through the life of Jesus Christ and into our hearts and hands. That’s what Peter is welcoming us into in today’s reading.

“And this word is the good news that was preached to you.”

Yes, it’s a big story, and we have a part to play. It’s a small part in comparison to the enormity of Jesus, the star character, but it’s a significant role, too. Never confuse small for insignificant. The best things come in the smallest packages (I seem to remember a feeding trough that held a certain King?)

But how many times do we go all out, trying to fill our small lives with even smaller dreams and plans? History is littered with people who gave everything they had to play in an infinitely small story in their own lives.

That’s what Peter calls the “futile ways inherited from your forefathers.” (v18). But the Living Hope says there is a better way.

There is a solution to the problem of living a self-focused life. It’s not a solution that is based on a “get better quick” scheme or a list of dos and don’ts. Instead, it is a relationally-driving flow, the River of Hope that stems from a personal relationship with Jesus. Yes, that relationship is personal, but it isn’t private.

The significance of our story is that our hope is always flowing from us and to others. It starts with Jesus moving personally to me and almost immediately it moves to you. The Story is too big for us to keep to ourselves.

The River of Hope is a deluge that cannot be stopped. Our part to play is simply channeling that river into the lives of as many people as possible.

So, are you ready to play your part?


  • What is the main role that you’re playing in your life right now: Business leader? Single mother? Spouse? Employee? How can you leverage that role in the great story of the Gospel?
  • Who is one person you can share the Living Hope with today?
  • Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving me a part to play in Your great story of redemption. Help me to see each moment as an opportunity to share with others the hope that I have also received. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Family Application: God is where my hope comes from.
Author: Cooper Herrington

  • Over the next 5 days, we are going to be traveling together on this road called "Hope." Okay, so what does that mean? It means that we’re a part of a story. A huge story. A massive story of grace and love that starts with God the Father and makes its way through the life of Jesus Christ and then into our hearts and hands. That’s what Peter is welcoming us into in today’s reading.
  • Our story is important because our hope is always moving from us and to others. It starts with Jesus, moves to me, and almost immediately it moves to you. The story is too big for us to keep to ourselves. Who is one person you can talk about Jesus with today?
  • Prayer: God, You are so kind! Thank You for the gift of hope You have given us. Help me tell the world about Your gift of hope. Amen.

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