A Living Hope

A Living Hope

Author: Cody Smith
May 30, 2022

Reading Plan:
1 Peter 1:1-12

A Living Hope
Author: Cody Smith

Have you ever put your hope into something only to be let down? Soon after you lose hope, discouragement usually sets in to take its place. Whether we put our hope in becoming the next bitcoin millionaire or in more practical things like a job that didn’t last, a relationship that went sour, our health that gradually degraded, or expectations that never were met, we’ve all been there.
We’ve all put our hope in things that aren’t sure to happen, and maybe we’ve been through trials in life that left us discouraged. Regardless of the circumstance, Peter’s words in today’s devotional will walk us through where we can find encouragement regardless of trials and uncertainty.

In 1 Peter, we learn right off the bat that Peter, the author and one of Jesus' original disciples, is writing to a dispersed group of believers located across Asia Minor under the rule of the Roman Empire. Believers in the early church were experiencing trials of their own. After giving a salutation to his audience, Peter gives us the first step of enduring trials in this life - praising our Heavenly Father for who He is and what He’s done for us.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:3-4

It’s in this first step that we get our mind off of our trials, off of the things that we’ve lost hope in, and onto the One who we can always count on: God. It’s through His mercy that we have been born again into the living hope of Jesus, a hope that isn’t a thing or a circumstance but a person who will never fail us or forsake us. As Peter put it, our hope is in a salvation that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading.

Our salvation through Christ is a sure thing. You can count on it. No one can steal it, degrade it, or take it away from you because it comes straight from our perfect Heavenly Father. Knowing this truth allows us to endure the trials of this life which is the second step to responding to circumstances that are challenging and less than ideal.

Peter takes it even further to give us step three. Not only can we endure trials, but we can rejoice in them. But how and why?

“So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:7

That’s a bold statement to say our faith can become more precious than gold, but this is no over-exaggeration. This word is inspired by the Holy Spirit who does not need to overstate His words to get a point across. If there's one thing money can't buy, it's the assurance of our living hope in Christ that allows us to endure and rejoice in trials here on Earth.


  • Can you think of a time you’ve trusted in the living hope of Christ even when your circumstances seem hopeless?
  • Take a moment to praise God for all He’s done for you to get you through trials and tough times.

    Family Application: God, You can have everything.
    Author: Cooper Herrington
  • Have you ever put all your hope, trust, and dreams into something or someone else? Maybe you wanted your friends or family to do something or act a certain way, but they let you down. God’s word tells us that when we put our hope, faith, and trust in anything but Him, we are going to be let down. Those things or people might be good, but they are not God. They will never be able to measure up to God.
  • How do you feel when someone lets you down? When they don’t act or say what you wanted from them? You might feel disappointed, frustrated, or sad. There is good news though! When we take things to God and put our trust in Him, talk to Him, and listen to Him, He gives us a gift of peace. When we have peace from God, we can feel joy.
  • When we follow Jesus, He gives us the gift of peace. When we have an amazing gift, we want to tell other people about it, right? If you got a brand-new Nintendo Switch, you would tell all your friends about it, right? Well, we can do the same thing with the gifts we have from God. Tell your friends and people you know about the gift of peace God has given you.
  • Prayer: God, You are so loving! Thank you for making it possible for me to put all of my faith, all of my hope, and all of my trust in You. Help me tell the world about Your gift of peace. Amen.

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