A Little While

A Little While

Author: Kelsey Walsh
Dec 6, 2022 | 1 Peter 1:3-13

There are many phrases in a Southern mama’s arsenal, all with different functions. Some answer life’s burning questions (“because I said so”), some express generosity (“I will give you something to cry about”), some bring perspective (“fair is what comes to Jackson once a year”), and some can inspire anything from comfort to spine-tingling fear depending on her tone of voice (“bless your heart…”).

Another one that can go either way is, “a little while.” (“How much longer are we staying?” “A little while.” “When can we go to the store?” “In a little while.” “How long do I have to stand in this corner?” “A little while.”) No doubt mamas everywhere are already wearing this one out at the grocery, the Walmart, or the DG while scoring on those early Christmas deals.

But somewhere else we see it is in today’s passage from Peter: “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith – more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire – may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

When Mama said, “a little while,” she probably actually didn’t know, or hadn’t decided how long. What Peter means, however, is…the whole of our earthly lives. The kid in me wants to huff and puff and stomp my foot, but since we’re looking toward hope this week, it’s my job to dig into this passage and point it out.

My study Bible helps with that. What verses 3-5 show us is that our ultimate hope is our future resurrection. How can we trust in that? Because Christ’s resurrection is a pledge that one day, we, too, will be lifted up with Him.

Our ultimate joy will come when we see Him face to face, but that joy isn’t reserved only for the future; it’s meant to be experienced now, in the “little while!” So, we set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us when Jesus returns, but we also walk in that grace today.

How long will we experience trials and suffering? As long as we’re on this earth. But we rejoice in suffering because they are designed for our purity. On days when it feels like our hope is being eroded, God will protect us through His power by sustaining our faith until the end. Be encouraged, and be a light in the darkness. It will only last a little while.

  • THINK: Does the idea that our sufferings will only last “a little while” evoke positive or negative feelings for you? If negative, try to reframe your thinking in light of eternity.
  • PRAY: “God, give me faith to trust you when my hope wavers. Encourage me today with Your presence, and send people into my life to be a tangible expression of Your love. Show me, also, how I can express Your love to those around me and make the most of my time here on Earth. Amen.”
  • ACT: Reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in a “little while.” Plan lunch or coffee to catch up.

Family Application: Living Hope

Author: Nichole McCardle

Today’s reading comes from the book of 1 Peter. Here, Peter is writing letters to Christians who were being mistreated for being followers of Jesus. Peter is reminding them that even though they are going through hard trials, their hope can always be found in Jesus. Yesterday, we talked about the hope of salvation. Once we receive salvation, that does not mean that we will never again face hard times, feel scared, or feel sad, but once we receive God’s gift of salvation, we then have living hope, which is full of power! The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that Jesus will use to help us overcome hard times, help us feel safe when we are scared, and help us feel joy when we are sad!

  • When you are going through a hard time or feeling sad, how can you remember to be joyful and think about the hope that is found in Jesus?
  • Do you know someone who may be feeling sad, scared, or is going through a hard time? Tell them how much Jesus loves them and that you love them too!
  • Prayer: God, You are wonderful! Thank You for sending Jesus to be the hope of the world! God, help me to find joy every day! Amen.

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