A Legacy of Faithfulness

A Legacy of Faithfulness

Author: Mellanie Alexander
May 10, 2022

Reading Plan:
Psalms 127

A Legacy of Faithfulness
Author: Mellanie Alexander

Today's Bible reading is short and to the point. Psalm 127 isn't a long chapter, but it gives such a beautiful picture of what a Biblical family should be like. The main theme is that without God, our work and all that we do is meaningless. We can build a home, we can work hard, we can raise children, but if we are not actively pursuing God and asking for His help and blessings on these things, our work is in vain. Not only is our work in vain, but it’s also so much harder.

The psalmist says children are a heritage from the Lord. They are a blessing and a gift from God. If I'm honest, there have been times when this blessing felt really hard. Raising children isn't for the faint of heart. Raising babies is hard. Dealing with toddlers is hard. Having young school-aged children is hard, and then when they hit those teenage years, you realize all the seasons before were really preparing you for a whole new level of hard. This is why it is of the utmost importance for you to be grounded in God's Word and allow Him to always be included in every step you take along the way.

The psalmist also says, "Like arrows in the hand of the warrior are the children of one's youth." I have read things in the past about this verse and about how we are raising arrows of our own. What do arrows do? They launch out. I think here in America, we think we get our kids for 18 years and then we launch them out into the world. We teach them to be independent and to not need us. However, if you really look into God's word and take into the context the time period, they weren't launching their kids out after 18 years. Families stuck together. Families did life together. They worked together. They were a team from the oldest to the youngest. Children helped parents in their daily life. They helped take care of their parents as they aged. They protected each other from enemies. They were strongest when they were together working as a unit. Children, no matter their age, needed their parents, and parents needed their children. That's why the story of the prodigal son would have been such a shock to the Jews at that time. Children didn't leave their parents and go off to live their lives as they pleased when they became adults. Children were raised being taught that family is everything.

There are people groups all over the world who still live with this family-first focus. It's a hard concept for us to grasp here in our Western culture though. We have been taught that independence is everything. What if it's not though? I wonder how much stronger our families would be if we learned to work as a team instead of thinking of everyone in our home as just an individual. I wonder how much more grounded our kids would be if they had grandparents close by to tell them stories of God's faithfulness. I wonder how much more blessed we would be if we were taking care of our aging parents and seeing that as a blessing instead of a burden.

It's a lot to think about and it goes against everything we know because we've bought into the American dream and assumed that was also God's way. I just don't think it is anymore though. I think it's time as God's people to live differently. I long to see a generation of families doing life God's way together and then watch how God not only blesses that faithfulness but uses it to bless others. If children are a heritage from the Lord, let's start today building a family unit that follows God's design for the family, and let's leave a legacy for the generations to come.

Reflection & Response:
• Are you trying to do life in your own strength instead of relying on God to guide your steps? Pray and ask God to show you how to live within His will.
• What can you do to start putting things into place that will allow you to leave a legacy of faithfulness to the generations to come? Journal or write out some ideas of things that you think would help strengthen your family and put those ideas into practice.


Use the content below to dive deeper into the Bible Reading Plan with your family.

Family Application: Without God, we cannot do anything!

• Today we get to read the book of Psalms. Most of the Psalms were written by King David. The chapter we are reading today was actually written by David’s son, Solomon. We see in the reading that no matter how hard we try we cannot do anything without God.
• We are just people. When we try to do things without God, it doesn’t usually work out well for us. God always knows best. What is something that is really hard for you right now that you want God’s help in?
• As a part of God’s family, we get to be on mission with Him. He helps us be on mission. Think about a friend you have. Ask God to help you invite that friend to church.
• Prayer: God, you are amazing! Thank you for always helping me! God, help me to invite a friend to church today. Amen.

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