99 Problems but a Sheep Ain’t One

99 Problems but a Sheep Ain’t One

Author: Austin Sines
Nov 4, 2022 | Luke 15:1-10

We have all heard the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus is once again being questioned for His actions. In this case, Jesus is in the company of tax collectors and sinners, people who the religious elite do not affiliate with at all. When questioned by the Pharisees as to why He was with them, Jesus told them this parable. This is one of my favorite parables because it truly shows how unfathomable our Father’s love is for us.

For most people, it might seem counterintuitive to leave the collective to rescue an individual. When the sheperd leaves the collective to rescue the individual, wouldn’t the collective be susceptible to dangers that lurk outside of the shepherd’s presence? It’s quite the opposite. Sheep stay in flocks as a defense against predators. When in the flock mentality, they value the group over the individual to keep each other safe. They know that together they are stronger, but alone, they will surely succumb to the dangers lurking around them. If we stop and try to put ourselves in their wool (I’m sorry that was a bad joke), we might see things a little differently. By leaving the ninety-nine, the shepherd gave those sheep the gift of ultimate security. For they knew that just as the shepherd would leave them to search for one lost sheep, so too would the shepherd do anything he could to find them in case they too might one day find themselves lost. But if he ignored or forgot about one lost sheep, the rest of the sheep would live in fear, should they ever get lost, the shepherd would not come and find them.

Of course, the good news in this story is that we, like the sheep, have gone astray, but the Good Shepherd will never be content to leave us in our lostness. His focus will always be on finding the lost ones, and our security will always be in knowing that we live under the watchful gaze of a loving shepherd who knows the number of every hair on our heads.

  • In what areas of your life do you need guidance?
  • Are you a part of a flock or fending on your own?
  • How can joining a community strengthen your dependance on God?
  • Prayer: God, we thank You for being the Shepherd of our lives. You make us lay down in greener pastures because of Your love for us. My prayer is that we will always know that when we find ourselves astray, You will be there with open arms, rejoicing because of our return. We love You because You first loved us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Family Application: Luke 15

Author: Carrington Stuart

  • Today’s story is in the book of Luke, and it’s about some of Jesus’ parables! Remember, we talked before about how parables are stories that are supposed to teach a lesson. Jesus used these stories to tell others about how to live a good life for God!
  • These parables are all about how God loves us even when we disobey Him. Sometimes when we know that we did something wrong, all we want to do is hide, but God doesn’t want us to be afraid of Him. He’s a good God and wants us to be honest with Him about everything we do.
  • Jesus told three parables about things getting lost: one about a sheep, one about a coin, and one about a man. In all three of these stories, He teaches us about how God always comes looking for us, even when we run away from Him. He’s always so happy when we come back to Him!
  • Just like in these stories, even when we sin and disobey God, we are never too lost. God will come find us every time! He is with us always. He wants us to confess, or tell the truth, about our sins, and ask Him to forgive us. If we ask and repent- or try our best not to do it again, He will always forgive us, no matter what!
  • When we are honest about our sins and run to God, He can start to heal our hearts and make us more like Him! He loves us so much and wants us to make good choices that help us to grow!
  • Have you ever done anything wrong that you tried to hide from God? Is there anything you need to tell Him about so that He can give you His forgiveness? Is there something that you can forgive somebody else for that they did to you?
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for always being there to listen to me when I need to talk to You about things. I know that I can come to You for anything that I need, even when I need to confess that I’ve sinned. Even when I disobey You, I am so grateful that You will always forgive me when I ask You to. Please help me to remember that You love me, and to forgive other people who have hurt me, too. I love You, God. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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