Message Notes

Extra-Ordinary: Timothy


  • Ezekiel 22:30, 1 Timothy 4:11-16, 1 Timothy 2:1


  • The Bible is full of figures of faith - ordinary people used by God to do extraordinary things! Through their stories, we learn that doing great things is not bound by our limitations but accomplished because of His omnipotence!


  1. Age does not qualify or disqualify.
  2. Learn from those who have walked before you and teach those who walk behind you.
  3. Practice - You will look like who you look at.
  4. Progress - We are transformed into the image of Christ one degree at a time.
  5. Persist - Even when you are disappointed, don’t give up.
  6. Culture values the outcome; God values the process because He knows the outcome.
  7. Presence calls out potential.
  8. Presence changes perspective.


  • Ask God to reveal the things that have influenced you and how you can better influence others for His Kingdom.• Pray that God’s presence and power would overcome the next generation.


  1. Read 1 Timothy 4:11-16.
  2. What stands out to you about these passages?
  3. What does this teach us about man?
  4. What does this teach us about God?
  5. What does this scripture teach us?
  6. How can we apply the truths of this passage to our lives this week?


  1. This week, read and memorize 1 Timothy 2:1.
  2. Ask God to reveal to you someone who God has used to influence you in your walk with Christ. Send that person a note of thanks or give them a call this week to express your appreciation.