Extra-Ordinary: David
Psalm 61, Psalm 27:5, Matthew 11:28, Ephesians 2:10, Acts 13:36
The Bible is full of figures of faith - ordinary people used by God to do extraordinary things! Through their stories, we learn that doing great things is not bound by our limitations but accomplished because of His omnipotence! When we think of David, we think of a shepherd, poet, giant killer, king, and ancestor of Jesus. But alongside that list stands another: betrayer, liar, adulterer, murderer. The Bible makes no effort to hide David’s failures, yet he is remembered and respected for his heart for God.
- David was right about God but wrong about himself.
- If you don't come to Him, you will come apart.
- You can't find healing in a hurry.
- Repentance is turning away from the wrong direction and moving in the direction God has called you to go.
- Don't settle for less than what God has called you to do!
- If you’re not dead, God is not done.
- You are God's masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God has prepared in advance for you to do.
Pray that God would use these passages and the conversations at House Church to reveal Himself to you and your House Church in a new way.
House Church Group Time
Share one event in your life that has shaped who you are today.
- Was there a time in your life when you felt God couldn’t use you anymore? Why did you feel that way?
- Were you eventually able to find hope? How?
- In Ephesians 2:10, God calls you a masterpiece. How does this verse change your perspective when you feel useless?
- Read Psalm 61.
- What stands out to you about this passage?
- What theme emerges in this passage?
- What does this scripture teach us?
- How can we apply the truths of this passage to our lives this week?
- This week, read, memorize, and consider Ephesians 2:10.
- This week, take inventory of your life.
- Who are your 5 closest friends?
- How are you doing in your relationships?
- What secrets are you keeping?
- What in your life are you pretending is not a problem?
3. Our stories can be a tool to show others God’s plan for our lives. Go to the Venture Church App this week, click the “Share Your Story” button, and share your personal journey of faith with Venture Church. Your story has power!