Message Notes

DISCUSSION GUIDE Week 3 - Victory Over Sin


Matthew 21:1-9, Romans 8:31-39


Do you need a victory in your life? Over your past? In your marriage? In your job? Over sickness or mental health? Mankind’s unrestrained desires led to sin and as a result, our lives are shattered and full of broken realities, but God’s love is greater. He sent His son, Jesus, to defeat death and give us life.


1. The invitation to follow Jesus is an invitation to live victoriously.

2. God forgives you, so you can too.

3. He took what we deserved so that He could give what we did not earn.

4. Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.

5. We may still experience sin’s consequences but not its condemnation.

6. Believe what the Book says about you more than what you say about yourself.

7. On the cross, all your sins were future sins.

8. Life is an ongoing process of becoming.


Pray for your family and co-workers. Ask God to help them understand His grace and mercy.


When is the first time you understood God’s grace and mercy?


1. Read Romans 8:31-39.

2. What does this scripture teach us about God?

3. What does this scripture teach us about mankind?

4. How do I apply the truths of this passage to my life this week?


1. What do you need to forgive yourself for that Jesus already forgave on the cross?

2. Take time this week to memorize this week’s verses, 1 Peter 5:6-7.

3. Walk through the sacred timeline that forever changed humankind’s relationship with God

by taking a personal journey through Holy Week with our daily guide. Go to the Venture

Church App to use these resources to prepare your heart and mind for Easter.

4. Our stories can be a tool to show others God’s plan for our lives. Go to the Venture Church

App this week, click the “Share Your Story” button, and share your personal journey of faith with Venture Church. Your story has power!