

Author: Megan McCarver
Aug 23, 2024 | Luke 19:1-10

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Luke 19:1-10


Our passage today is about a man named Zacchaeus. He was a very rich tax collector that many people in Jericho did not like. When Zacchaeus heard Jesus was going to be passing through, he wanted to catch a glimpse of him, but he was short and could not see over the crowds that had gathered. So, he ran ahead and found a giant sycamore tree to climb so he could see Jesus. When Jesus came to the tree where Zacchaeus was, He looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” This made the people in the crowds angry because they thought of Zacchaeus as a sinner and a thief! But Zacchaeus immediately repented and offered to repay any people he had cheated or stolen from four times the original amount!


Jesus offered salvation to Zacchaeus and reminded the people that He came to seek and save the lost- just like Zacchaeus and just like you and me! Zacchaeus knew that he had sinned and wronged the people of Jericho, but as soon as he met Jesus, he wanted to repent - and he repaid all the money he had taken.


Talk about some things your family can do or places you can go to see or feel Jesus this week. Maybe it’s taking some time outside to appreciate God’s creation, or maybe it is reaching out to a friend who is sad. Remember, Jesus is everywhere, and He is waiting to connect with you!

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for always meeting us exactly where we are! Thank You for being quick to offer forgiveness when we sin and fall short. Please show us this week how to see You through the crowds and the distractions; we want to keep our eyes on You, Father. We love You. In Your name, we pray, amen.

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