World Changer

World Changer

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 8, 2024 | Acts 17:1-9

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 17:1-9


In today’s reading, Paul is preaching to people in Thessalonica. He preached at a Jewish synagogue for three sabbaths. He was explaining to the people that Jesus was the Christ and many people listened and decided to join Paul and Silas. However, some Jewish people did not believe Jesus was the Christ. These people gathered a mob and attacked the house of a man named Jason. They thought Jason was letting Paul and Silas stay there. They searched his house but didn’t find them. The mob drug Jason to the rulers of the city and told them that he was letting Paul and Silas stay there. The mob exclaimed that Paul and Silas were teaching that there was another king; Jesus. The mob and the rulers were troubled to hear this. They took money from Jason and let them go.


Many people believed in Jesus after hearing Paul. The ones that didn’t believe became jealous. In verse 6, they said, “These men who have turned the whole world upside down have come here”. What’s funny is that Jesus did come and turn the world as they knew it upside down. What they didn’t know was that their upside down was actually Jesus turning it right side up! Jesus does that for us, too! He comes and changes our hearts and makes our world full of joy, peace, love, etc.


As a believer, you can turn the world, too! God wants you to go and tell others about Him so that you can help turn the world around for someone else. This week, tell somebody about Jesus and how He’s changed your world. Every chance you’re given to tell others is a chance to be a world changer!

Prayer: God, thank you for changing my world! Give me the words so that I can share You with others so their world can be changed, too! Amen.

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