Holy Week Family Guide: The Resurrection

Holy Week Family Guide: The Resurrection

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 31, 2024 | Matthew 28


Matthew 28


On Sunday, Jesus’ friends walked to His tomb to be close to Jesus and to care for His body as instructed by Jewish customs. But before they could even ask the guards to see Jesus’ tomb, an earthquake shook the ground! The ground shook when an angel dressed in white came down from heaven and rolled the huge stone away and then sat right on top of it. The guards were so frightened that they fainted!  

Then the angel told Mary and Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ friends, that Jesus had risen from the grave; the tomb was empty. This was what Jesus told them would happen before He was killed. The angel told the women to go tell their friends the good news that Jesus was alive and that He would see them soon! As they ran to tell their friends that Jesus was alive, Jesus Himself appeared to them! They fell at Jesus’ feet and worshiped Him. Jesus told them again to go tell their friends the Good News: He was alive! Jesus wants us to do the same thing.

The Book of Romans tells us that we have all done things that are wrong, and the punishment for the wrong things (sin) is death. God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus from Heaven to Earth to live a perfect life and to take our punishment and die on the cross for us. Jesus didn’t stay in the grave though; He came back to life so that we could have a new life forever with God. When we believe this and trust in Jesus, He gives us new life. After we trust in Jesus, He wants us to go and tell people the Good News. We can share the Gospel (Good News) with our friends and family. Jesus is alive! 


  • Q: When Jesus’ friends saw that His tomb was empty, an angel appeared. What did the angel say? 
  • A: The angel told them to tell their friends the Good News: Jesus is alive!
  • Q: How can you tell people the Good News? 
  • A: You can tell your friends what you have learned this week! We all have made mistakes, and the punishment for our mistakes is separation from God. The good news is that Jesus came, died, and rose again so that we could all have life! You can tell your friends about your trust in Jesus and what He has done in your life! 


Lord, we celebrate You on this special day! We believe and trust in You! Help us to share with others the good news that You are alive! In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Find more content every day this week at the [HIS]tory: Journey Through Holy Week webpage.

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